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Other. Lives in  Beyond Equestria. Born on November 23, 2000
Misc. RP Information
∞༺♥Type: Semi-Lit
∞༺♥Genre: Romance, Horror, Ero-guro, Casual story building
∞༺♥Just know that we can always discuss what we want to do beforehand so that we know where things will go.
-Please do not add me unless you are going to roleplay or chat with me!
-No weird fetish stuff please. If you want something like that, tell me prior and I'll tell you what I think. It's most likely gonna be a no.
-Be sure to check your grammar before you send your message. Don't leave me on one liners or us... View More
Common locations your character will be
∞༺♥Family Funeral Home
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
∞༺♥Baby Blue
Eye Color
∞༺♥Navy Blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
Lullaby is a carousel unicorn who is sky blue in color with deep navy blue eyes with a lace like patterned iris. Her hair is also a deep navy along with her thick eyebrows. She wears a light blue bunny hat with fastens at the chin with a small gold clip. Her outfits mostly consist of sweet Lolita cordes with cute jewelry and her septum bull ring.
∞༺♥Lolita fashion, taxidermy, the supernatural, cottagecore
∞༺♥Judgmental people, any feeling of pain, loud noises
∞༺♥Mortician and funeral planner
Detailed History
∞༺♥In the works.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
November 23, 2000
Last Login:
November 6, 2020
Member Since:
February 15, 2020
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