The mid-morning Appaloosan sun beats down on a lone zebra as he works to till one of the fields of his farm. Makabe and his family moved to the town after this farm was passed down to him by his grandfather around a year ago now. All things considered, they have a good life here. With the help of the locals, they've fixed up the farm, made plenty of new friends, and have become well known members of the town. His wife has started her own little business selling tinctures in the town, his farm ma...
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Inside a dim, dry, dungeon, far below the quiet little town of Appleoosa, a man hangs against the back wall of a stone cell. There is little light to illuminate the cell. Only the residual light from an oil lamp affixed to the wall outside of the cell. A cloud of ancient dust permeates the air, and the man's lungs. Every breath he takes feels like he's sucking in dust directly off of an old piece of furniture. Worse still is the strain of bei...
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With Makabe and his family settled in, it was finally time for Dusty to get back to being a ranger. Well, after he gives his new friend, Dusk Patrolman Misty Steps, a tour of Appaloosa.
The two men walk through the small town with the sun high in the sky. Mid-afternoon in Appaloosa could get pretty hot, but none of the townsfolk going about their business seemed to mind. Mist on the other hand, looked as though he might drop dead of heat stroke at any moment.
"Told yah. Shouldn't'a put o...
//BGM provided, but optional.
It's been nearly a month since Dusty and the caravan set out on their journey back to Appaloosa. Since then, Dusty has become good friends with the lone family of settlers accompanying the trade caravan, and he's even gotten Mist to open up a little bit. In particular, Dusty has grown pretty fond of the family's young child, Johnny. He's one of the most energetic, and bright eyed 10 year olds Dusty has ever me...
Dusty can hardly believe that a month has already passed. Guess time starts to blend together when all you see for a whole month of travel is sand. He, and his compatriots arrived at the border of the San Palomino Desert a day prior, and have set up camp to await the caravan from Ponyville. In the distance, he can see the green hills of the road to Ponyville. He's not sure exactly when the caravan will arrive, but they've got supplies for a good month or two so they should be able to wait fairly...
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Being a town on the Equestrian Frontier, Appaloosa was home to folks from all walks of life. From hard working farmers, and cowboys, to rich businessmen who lived surprisingly lavish lifestyles in such a small, dusty town. Despite this, almost everyone was as friendly, and welcoming as could be. Though, with the town being so secluded, trouble was bound to pop up every now and then.
This afternoon, Dusty is making his rounds. Checking on the townsfolk, and gathering supplies for a coming trek...
//Quick lore dump before I head back in to work for the night.
Hello adventurer! If you are reading this document, that means you are one of a brave few! Of countless adventures across our plane, you have chosen to assist our noble organization in the exploration of the plane known as the Astral Highway System, or, Subspace in less formal terms. For this, we are ever grateful. With your help, we can learn much more about this mysterious, seemingly nonsensical realm, and possibly find some use...