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Huma Valentino

Female. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on January 14, 1900
Misc. RP Information
Even though the public claims the vampiress of being a monster and such, Huma is a very calm and gentle mare.
- Huma has a butler by the name of Sebastian (Huma sees him as more of a Father to her)
- In her immortal status, Huma is 40,003 years old
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
The Outer-lands of Equestria , Canterlot
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A gamer heart split in half by the colors purple and white
Design Description
Huma is a lavender earthpony with violet eyes, Red when she grows famished or outraged, upset, or cocky
(Violet eyes, due to her position as a pure blood vampiress)
Coffee, Control, Gaming, Competing
Loneliness, Being upset past her point of no return
Detailed Personality
- Huma is a mare with the personality of Rarity herself. Compete against her and you'll know she doesn't go down easy, and if she does, she'll go down hissing a yelling in german.
- Huma can also be rather charming due to having to seduce her prey to find a meal.
Countess of the Obsidian Court
Equestrian Night School
Detailed History
Years before the disappearance of her best friend and former lover, Huma enjoyed simple teas and long talks with the older immortals of her family. As the told her stories of wars they had fought and ponies that lived long before her, Huma loved to listen and giggle at some silly things her Father would say.
After their deaths in the final war against a special demons known as malefactors, Huma was left alone with her older brother, Roman, in their family home on Equestria's borders. Her brother... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Huma is now the head of her families old home while her brother is away in Canterlot.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
- Dancing
- Singing
- Simply listening to others
- Reading
- Knows basic combat
- Mind Control/Reading
Basic Info
Birth Date:
January 14, 1900
Last Login:
February 28, 2019
Member Since:
July 28, 2018
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