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GentleHeart The MailMare

Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on June 7, 2003
Misc. RP Information
Miss Bellaine GentleHeart (Who prefers to be called by GentleHeart), is a humble mailmare who grew up in Canterlot with two loving and supportive parents named Mabel Inkwell and Crowley FeatherQuill. She comes from a long line of writers, authors, book keepers, etc. Always having been surrounded by books and the means to write helped her find her passion of writing letters. She had gained her cutie mark after the fact. The trigger having been when she sent a letter to her first pen pal with her ... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
Post Office, Her House, Out And About Delivering Mail.
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Light yellow fur.
Eye Color
Blue Eyes.
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Slice of Life, Post-apocalyptic, MLP Only
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Letter And Quill.
Design Description
Her cutie mark is a letter with a rose wax seal along with a feather quill beside it. Signifying her love for writing and sending letters. Light yellow fur, chestnut brown mane and tail, blue eyes. Her mane and tail are always done up in soft, elegant curls. For visual description look at my profile pic.
Postcards, Stamps, Wax seals,Writing Letters, Smelling paper
Messes, Disorder, Creases In Paper
Detailed Personality
GentleHeart, like her name, is a gentle pony. She is sensation-seeking. Particularly that giddy feeling she gets whenever finishing, ink setting, and sending something through the post. She will never send something unless it is 'perfect'. She is calm and reasonable which makes her pretty easy to get along with. Despite this she does have a lingering anxiety, while she tries not to let take control of her life, her obsessive and perfectionist mindset is often the trigger for it. While she is a f... View More
General Studies.
Detailed History
Born and raised in Canterlot. As soon as her little hooves could be dipped in ink to write she immediately fell in love with it. Especially when it was to other ponies she was writing to. It started with little notes to her parents every now and again. Her parents helped her send her find her first filly pal and also showed her how to send her first letter and the process fascinated her so much that she would later on be where she is today. A mail pony. (Her first filly pen pal just happened to ... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
GentleHeart always carries the following with her. Her Mail Satchel, An Ink Pot and a rag for wiping off the ink from her hoof when she is done writing.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Wonderful penmanship, Number One delivery pony (Takes her job very seriously), Ink Maker (When she wants to spice things up she takes it upon herself to make her own ink. She likes to colour it and even give it unique scent.
None! <3
Basic Info
Birth Date:
June 7, 2003
Last Login:
September 7, 2024
Member Since:
September 6, 2024
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