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Ice Wisp

Male. Lives in  Baltimare,  Equestria. Born on July 21, 1995
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
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Common locations your character will be
Baltimare and Canterlot
Design Description
Ice Wisp is a rather short and scrawny stallion though still taller than your standard mare. His coat and mane are well groomed and shiny and his hooves are smooth due to lack of having done any real physical labor and staying indoors most of the time. Ice has big, striking red wine colored eyes which give him an almost innocent quality.
Peaceful settings, fine food, magic, books, cold weather.
Disorder, arrogant and abrasive ponies, liars, loud noises
Detailed Personality
Ice Wisp is, by nature, a very introverted and shy pony. He very much prefers to be left alone with his own thoughts than to be in situations where others could potentially annoy him with unsolicited conversations and the likes. He does try to be polite and kind to everyone he meets though at times his attempts at politeness can come off as awkward or even rude in some instances. Ice is also naturally skeptical of the motives of others whenever they try to make friends with him, often assuming t... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Due to the vast wealth of Ice's family, he has a large sum of bits in his personal bank account as well as easy access the larger family fortune.
Ice owns a large home Baltimare.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Despite his small and helpless appearance Ice Wisp is actually very magically gifted and a highly skilled cryomancer, making him more dangerous to those who would do him harm than one would assume. However, Ice doesn't usually practice his magic for self-defence and, instead, uses it to make art such as beautiful ice sculptures.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
July 21, 1995
Last Login:
March 21, 2025
Member Since:
December 4, 2018
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