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Illustry Lovebite

Female. Lives in a small studio just outside of Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on November 15
Misc. RP Information
Hi there! Here’s some notes on interacting with me:
— Any post beginning with a “//” is out-of-character. All other posts are in-character. This applies to both wall posts & PMs.
— Interactions via wall posts or PM are a-okay! I’m very relaxed; toss me a few random sentences and we can see where it goes.
— I would prefer all roleplay be contained here. I’m unlikely to move to another space, like Discord.
— I prefer “narrative” style, but I’ll try to respond to asterisk styles (if I don’t, this is li... View More
Design Description
Artwork by me (2025)

Design Notes:
— Illustry is of “average” height & build, meaning she’s exactly like the majority of G4 mares in canon (such as the Mane 6).
— Her mane is swept to one side, but which side doesn’t matter. It always faces away from the “camera”, so to speak.
— She’s almost always seen wearing her scarf; or sometimes other cozy accessories like socks, coats, or blankets.
— As a batpony, she has visible fangs, bat wings, and fluffy ears.
— Only one of her eyes is visible due to the la... View More
Detailed Personality
Her personality is actively being developed, so at the moment she’s very stereotypically kind-hearted, curious, and an all-around upstanding citizen. Some notes I currently do have are below:
Personality Keynotes: hopeless romantic, optimistic, extrovert
Disposition: often sleepy & yawning, but keeps a subtle smile; overall pretty approachable
Likes: coffee, cats, books, warm weather & sunlight, socks, dark chocolate, romance books, live music
Dislikes: snow, horror movies, sour candy, pranks & tric... View More
Detailed History
Illustry Lovebite is a batpony mare currently residing just outside of Canterlot in a studio to herself. Here, she lives a simple, comfortable life perfectly designed for quaint & quirky slice-of-life shenanigans.
Like most ponies, she’s known best by her cutiemark-defined talent; in Illustry’s case, this is writing. Her preference for her work is fiction, particularly indulgent romance novels. She’s published a few things, and perhaps someone may recognize her work… But she’s certainly not famo... View More