Misc. RP Information
Hi there! Here’s some notes on interacting with me:— Any post beginning with a “//” is out-of-character. All other posts are in-character. This applies to both wall posts & PMs.— Interactions via wall posts or PM are a-okay! I’m very relaxed; toss me a few random sentences and we can see where it goes.— I would prefer all roleplay be contained here. I’m unlikely to move to another space, like Discord.— I prefer “narrative” style, but I’ll try to respond to asterisk styles (if I don’t, this is li... View MoreHi there! Here’s some notes on interacting with me:— Any post beginning with a “//” is out-of-character. All other posts are in-character. This applies to both wall posts & PMs.— Interactions via wall posts or PM are a-okay! I’m very relaxed; toss me a few random sentences and we can see where it goes.— I would prefer all roleplay be contained here. I’m unlikely to move to another space, like Discord.— I prefer “narrative” style, but I’ll try to respond to asterisk styles (if I don’t, this is likely why though; so sorry).— I don’t mind ANY length, nor do I care for enforcing matched lengths across all replies. Just say what needs to be said, keep it interesting, and have fun!— Slice of life & romance are my go-to’s, but I keep an open mind. Nothing explicit or violent, please!— I lean into the canon G4 universe, but I’d be interested dabbling in G5 too! I don’t mind loose interpretations of canon, or slight bends in canon logic whatsoever.— If I haven’t responded in awhile, you are free to “poke” me by sending another message. Just don’t spam me. If I don’t reply at that point, please understand I’m probably very busy or uninterested and leave it alone. With that said, I will try my best to be clear & respond to pokes on whether I plan to continue or have lost interest.— Above all else, please know that I’m rusty as hell & haven’t properly roleplayed in a long time.
And, here’s some additional “about me” stuff:— On this space, you may refer to me by my character even outside of roleplay (Illustry, Illy, etc)! However, my name is Kam, if you’d like to know.— I’m 21+ and prefer she/her pronouns.— I’ve been on the G4 train since ~2011. The creative fan spaces for MLP inspired me to be an artist, and continue to do so! In other words, I’ve also been an artist since ~2011. I began digital art somewhere around ~2016 and have never been able to stop drawing ponies, especially making my own OCs. — My favorite of the Mane 6 is a tough choice. I love Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity the most. And don’t tell anyone I said this, but Rainbow Dash is my least favorite…— I’ve always loved to roleplay, even before G4. I would say roleplay started around ~2008 for me on Neopets! I’m also a PonySquare refugee. If you are too, you might remember me as “Evelynn” (but I really hope not).— You may know me as my ponysona “Maizzey”. She has a profile on here from 2018-2021, but it’s been abandoned. I’ve returned in 2025 to try and spark my roleplay skills again. Let’s see where we get with Illustry, eh?
Design Description
Artwork by me (2025)
Design Notes:— Illustry is of “average” height & build, meaning she’s exactly like the majority of G4 mares in canon (such as the Mane 6).— Her mane is swept to one side, but which side doesn’t matter. It always faces away from the “camera”, so to speak.— She’s almost always seen wearing her scarf; or sometimes other cozy accessories like socks, coats, or blankets.— As a batpony, she has visible fangs, bat wings, and fluffy ears.— Only one of her eyes is visible due to the la... View MoreArtwork by me (2025)
Design Notes:— Illustry is of “average” height & build, meaning she’s exactly like the majority of G4 mares in canon (such as the Mane 6).— Her mane is swept to one side, but which side doesn’t matter. It always faces away from the “camera”, so to speak.— She’s almost always seen wearing her scarf; or sometimes other cozy accessories like socks, coats, or blankets.— As a batpony, she has visible fangs, bat wings, and fluffy ears.— Only one of her eyes is visible due to the large black swoop in her mane covering the other at all times. Which eye is hidden depends on which way her hair is swept, and it doesn’t matter so long as it’s away from the camera.— Features half-lidded eyes with dark circles; she’s always tired.— One small, silver piercing in her left ear only.
Detailed Personality
Her personality is actively being developed, so at the moment she’s very stereotypically kind-hearted, curious, and an all-around upstanding citizen. Some notes I currently do have are below:Personality Keynotes: hopeless romantic, optimistic, extrovertDisposition: often sleepy & yawning, but keeps a subtle smile; overall pretty approachableLikes: coffee, cats, books, warm weather & sunlight, socks, dark chocolate, romance books, live musicDislikes: snow, horror movies, sour candy, pranks & tric... View MoreHer personality is actively being developed, so at the moment she’s very stereotypically kind-hearted, curious, and an all-around upstanding citizen. Some notes I currently do have are below:Personality Keynotes: hopeless romantic, optimistic, extrovertDisposition: often sleepy & yawning, but keeps a subtle smile; overall pretty approachableLikes: coffee, cats, books, warm weather & sunlight, socks, dark chocolate, romance books, live musicDislikes: snow, horror movies, sour candy, pranks & tricks, ill-fated love stories
Detailed History
Illustry Lovebite is a batpony mare currently residing just outside of Canterlot in a studio to herself. Here, she lives a simple, comfortable life perfectly designed for quaint & quirky slice-of-life shenanigans. Like most ponies, she’s known best by her cutiemark-defined talent; in Illustry’s case, this is writing. Her preference for her work is fiction, particularly indulgent romance novels. She’s published a few things, and perhaps someone may recognize her work… But she’s certainly not famo... View MoreIllustry Lovebite is a batpony mare currently residing just outside of Canterlot in a studio to herself. Here, she lives a simple, comfortable life perfectly designed for quaint & quirky slice-of-life shenanigans. Like most ponies, she’s known best by her cutiemark-defined talent; in Illustry’s case, this is writing. Her preference for her work is fiction, particularly indulgent romance novels. She’s published a few things, and perhaps someone may recognize her work… But she’s certainly not famous.When she’s not writing or reading, Illustry is often seen in Canterlot. She loves to window shop, particularly nice & expensive sweaters or socks. She grabs a coffee almost every morning, but tends to switch up cafes she visits. She’s notably a softie for cats, especially black cats. As such, she tends to the strays often and you might see her in a pet store for supplies. She adores sunlight and warm weather, so finding her simply sunbathing in a picnic spot wouldn’t be uncommon either!