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Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. 46 years old
Misc. RP Information
I've been away from roleplaying for quite some time, and I'm really looking for something of a fresh start. I was once upon a time active in doing things like this from around 2013-2017, so I have some experience though I've been away from it for near as long as I previously was active so I might need some practice.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Title(s) / Rank
"Formerly a first lieutenant in Her Majesty's Service."
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
"It's a bat clutching a book. Something about night sight."
"Uh... I come from Trottingham. Originally."
"Well, I dropped out of school once upon a time. Granted, that was nearly thirty years ago now. Since then I've struggled my way through my education between my more active work cycles. Managed to get my education far enough to commission as an officer during the second half of my career. Better late than never, no?"
Assets / Bits / Property
"I uh... Own a pretty small place in Ponyville, kinda keep it stocked up with whatever. I've got some bits stashed away, and i collect some disability checks from the Guard but I'm not swimming by any means. Kinda like keeping it small so I can wander on a whim."
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
"Er... Once upon a time I was pretty good at flying. Not like, Wonderbolts or anything like that but I could hold my own. I think my best skill is fighting in low light, but that's kind of moot when there's others who can see far better in the dark than I can. Guess I'd be considered good for a pegasus when it comes to seeing in the dark. Other than that I kinda picked up carpentry working on ships for half my life, so that's what I've been doing post-retirement."
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Last Login:
August 17, 2023
Member Since:
April 30, 2021
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