Misc. RP Information
Oi! Tha bloody 'ell do ya think ye are doin? This is a private account! Ill bloody strike ye if ye keep going!
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts
Common locations your character will be
Las pegasus
Title(s) / Rank
"Yer best fukin nightmare"
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Action, Adventure, Dystopia, Post-apocalyptic, Urban
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A Horseshoe enveloped with a star
Design Description
Seafood, weapons, kindness when benefitting her, westerns
"holier than thou" ponies, Timid ponies (unless when :eyes:)
Detailed Personality
An arrogant, Bullheaded pony. She is an asshole, and she is well aware of it. Not very often showing vulnerability, she will fight you, just because she felt like you looked at her funny. She is however, Extremely loyal, and hard to root out when she has a conviction about something.
Secratary, 3rd in command of flimflam co., Mixologist
Was impoverished for the longest time. Never actually went to school. The reason she got the job was because of her past with Flam. That being said, she is decent with money, so long as she isnt around any bars.Her poverty had her see alot of unsavory places. She found that with knowing how to mix drinks perfectly, she could get the admiration and respect of those around her in that enviornment. She learned her craft of mixology, and is EXTREMELY skilled at it.
Detailed History
Assets / Bits / Property
A home in las pegasus
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Skilled in economics (as cutie mark implies), exceptional in Mixology, excellent with all forms of weapons, and is best suited in hoof-to-hoof combat.
Its an earth horse
Basic Info
Birth Date:
May 4
Last Login:
October 19, 2024
Member Since:
January 16, 2020
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