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Misc. RP Information
Can do casual, or full paragraph style. If I’m free we can also do sketch rp.
Also as a heads up, when dialogue happens, I make replies short so that the conversation moves less slowly, and so you don’t have to read three paragraphs before getting the one piece of dialogue you need, or having a whole speech without your pony saying anything.
I also usually like to plot before going into it! But I can just jump into it as well.
She also doesn't really get along with a lot of fru fru characters, sinc... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Anywhere, library or the road
Skin / Coat Color
Baby Blue
Eye Color
Design Description
She's a bit taller than other ponies because of her mother, but other than her foreign features, she's pretty much the same as a pony. a little shorter than a colt, but taller than a mare.
She's covered in scars from scuffles on her journey, and often has a tan cape on her back, covering her wings and flank to hide the fact that she can't fly or hasn't found any cutie mark. It's not that she's embarrassed, it's just easier to have people not ask her the same question of why doesn't she fly in cer... View More
Adventure, books, history, mythology, food, free food
Storms, dragons
Detailed Personality
Childish, pushy, naive, and adventure loving, Trotter is always one to have a good time. She's not used to staying in one place, and is always moving across the country. She aims to learn and see all of the places this rich land has to offer.
She's always eager to learn new things, and despite her athletic appearance and nature, she can often be found in libraries studying and reading about history. It's not often she has the chance to read books, so when she stops in a city, she will always make... View More
Traveler/odd jobs
Small village off the map in saddle arabia
Grade school, self taught
Detailed History
Stray Trotter abandoned her land at an age probably too early to be without an adult, leaving on a journey to explore Equestria in all of its wondrous glory. She doesn't really like to talk about her past life there, on account that there's nothing left for her there anymore. Instead, she looks forward towards the future, eager to learn about the land's rich history and myths. She's been across countless places, and met many creatures on her travels. She's alone most of the time, so when she DOE... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Her cloak, saddle bag, some bits (not a lot), rope, compass, knife
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Survival, camping, eating, reading, fighting
Basic Info
Birth Date:
January 30
Last Login:
September 20, 2020
Member Since:
March 13, 2020
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