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Female. Lives in Somewhere,  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on February 19, 1998
Misc. RP Information
I have nine characters.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Skin / Coat Color
Mint or Pastel Green
Eye Color
Yellow Green
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A robot face, representing creation and productivity
Design Description
Elles is a short unicorn with a mint or pastel green coat and a short black mane, the same as her tail. Because she represents productivity, her special talent is building things and her cutie mark is a robot face. While her work is usually unsuccessful, she's quite proud of her robotic stallion called Cookies, who can usually be found following her around or running errands for her.
Her Robot, Making friends, Tinkering, Diet Coke
Detailed Personality
Elles is asexual and very focused on her work so she usually doesn't hold onto relationships well, but she's kind, accepting and always curious about people and what they like.
She builds things
Assets / Bits / Property
Her workshop is mobile because she travels a lot and her most prized possession is her robot.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Singing, building, design
Basic Info
Birth Date:
February 19, 1998
Last Login:
February 24, 2019
Member Since:
February 21, 2019
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