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Male. Lives in Jonesboro,  Equestria. Born on April 11, 2001
Misc. RP Information
Rules: Well, I guess I should lay down some rules.
1. I will allow mature language if you are RPing with me, but please try to keep it to a minimum.
2. I'm fine with a short response even if I just practically wrote a short story. Your responses can be as long or as short as you want to make them.(You can take as long as you want to reply as well but I might get paranoid if you take too long.)
3. Try to use proper English if possible. I'm fine if your writing has mistakes as I make plenty of gramma... View More
Common locations your character will be
Under an Oak tree, Ponyville, Canterlot. Bassicaly anywhere
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Teal, grey.(Mixed not separate)
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
a open notepad with a quill above it on the page is the symb
Design Description
Rural is tall for most ponies(He could qualify as a horse but I call him a pony anyways.). He typically wears a wide-brimmed fedora that he placed a spell on so he doesn't need to have a travel pack on his back. His hat will usually hide his eyes because of his horn. He has long, curly, blond hair that reaches to his shoulder blades. He does get confused as a mare sometimes but it is very rare. His voice is low close to flutterguy's or Big Mac's(My voice is actually about that deep). He wears a ... View More
Tea, nice chats, a good book,
Ladder Heights. Most things that catch him unaware. Fighting
Detailed Personality
He is somewhat shy. He relies more on intuition and feeling to make hard decisions, but will use wit when needed(which is most of the time). He is slow to anger and a fast thinker. Not a bad strategist and can think in advance. Focuses more on long term effect than short term. He avoids unnecessary violence when possible. Despite this, he likes to hang back in a crowd and will rarely be noticed by anyone, but when he speaks he is typically heard.
A little of a counselor and will on occasion help at the App
Base of Canterlot mountain
Well, the same amount of education as me. Which fluctuates quite a lot.
Detailed History
He is a distant and I mean a distant relative of AJ. He had no really bad time as a kid. He went to the school of gifted unicorns. He is known for the wisdom he gives out and of his gift at making physical constructs out of nothing but his magic. He is a very quiet pony most the time. At others, he can't shut his trap. He mainly travels the country looking for an adventure or just for something interesting. Which has led him to ponyville. He now lives in a house not far away from the Apple's Far... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
He owns two houses one in Canterlot and one in ponyville. His hat is one of his more precious items which has a spell on it that he placed so, it can hold more things than it looks like it can hold to replace his saddlebags.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
He is a singer, writer, and will draw things if he has time. And being able to grow and shrink any part of him at the cost of bursting into flames in the shrinking process if he grows too much.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
April 11, 2001
Last Login:
April 6, 2023
Member Since:
April 1, 2018
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