Misc. RP Information
*I take a deep breath before walking into a spot light, it flicking on as I give a sweeping bow.* Good day, afternoon, or evening all! My name is Stephan Wright, and this is the Bio for my dear companion Julius!Julius takes a quick step forward before giving a large sweeping bow him self. "Hello all! It's lovely too meet you!" Julius say's before taking a step back and giving my back the spotlight. *I smile and look back too the audience* Here in this BIo you will find of Julius Character infor... View More*I take a deep breath before walking into a spot light, it flicking on as I give a sweeping bow.* Good day, afternoon, or evening all! My name is Stephan Wright, and this is the Bio for my dear companion Julius!Julius takes a quick step forward before giving a large sweeping bow him self. "Hello all! It's lovely too meet you!" Julius say's before taking a step back and giving my back the spotlight. *I smile and look back too the audience* Here in this BIo you will find of Julius Character information, history, and his current life in the land of equestria, there will also be small bits on him in AU's such as fallout equestria. *I lean and whisper* I'm a big fan of it. *I say before leaning back.* So without further ado please sit back, and enjoy the story I spent five long years crafting, and is still crafting today. Please enjoy~Roleplay information: I my self use a Narrative writing style, I enjoy detail in responses, ones that get across the characters emotions and the scene around them. I personally don't mind if you use asterisks to describe your characters actions, all I hope for is too see passion in your writing and to help me craft our stories together! Julius is a character I have worked on for over seveb years now, (if I'm doing the math right) and the goal with him is to show that there can be an alicorn OC that can be possible in the canon of MLP. When the show first started of course this was hard to justify as the world was still being revealed to us, and to our knowledge the only two alicorns where Lune, Celestia, and Cadence. Then much like when the fire nation attacks; everything changed when Twilight sparkle was given the powers of an alicorn after passing a set of challenges Celstia set her out to do, thus making her the princess of friendships. This was the first sign that Alicorns could be made, rather than born if blessed with powers by beings either born with alicorn power, or beings of a higher power that made alicorns in the first place. Of course I hopped on this and started to think of possible ways to make things canon friendly for julius, and so I thought of a way to explain how nopony has ever heard, seen, or even known about julius during the run of the show; because, no matter how much you try to slice it if there where other alicorns in the world of equis we would know, its kinda hard to hide wings and a horn. So when all else fails, making your own world; thus we enter the Golden realm, (original name I know) and the land/city of Gamoria. At the time there wasn’t any hints to other realms, or worlds that existed outside of equestria, so going with this writing convention was risky at the time. Then once again, everything changed when the movie Equestria girls came out. This opened the world of equestria and possible storytelling massively! Suddenly there was a whole new world; one could say a whole new realm, and who says that there...was only one? Suddenly I grew a lot of confidence in the way I could explain a way that julius got his powers. This however was only the beginning of the MIND BLOWING SHIT the show had in store for us. Number onet: In the comics the mane six when to another realm where the roles were swapped, those who were evil are no good, and those who were good are new evil, adding more and more to the idea that there were worlds outside of normal equestria, not only where human versions could egist, but whole changes in the way things where in the canon we observed. Then the show ...did something that would be the key to the kingdom for Julius and him being actually possible in the canon world of My. Little. Pony. Number 2: Starlight Glimmer… Fuck. With. TIME TRAVEL! The plot of the story was to seek revenge on Twilight for ruining her plans for true equality across equestria. Starlight would travel BACK IN TIME to the key events that led the mane six down the paths to earn their cutie marks, thus changing the present forever. During the episode we see many different timelines, one where Equestria becomes a war state against King sombra, another where Ponies are on the brink of extinction by Queen Chrysalis and her changelings, and finally, one where the world and everything in it was nothing but a wasteland, no life, no grass, just. Dust. In the end Starlight learned the error of her ways, and in many eyes joined the mane six making it the mane seven. Now to anyone else, this is just a trope in storytelling. For me? It. ment. EVERYTHING! When you introduce time travel you make the level of things possible skyrocket into infinity, showing not only are their other realms, not only are their ways to jump between different timelines, not to mention that Alicorns can be made! There was every possible way to make Julius canon friendly, all thanks to the possibilities and the implications behind what has been shown in the show, movies, and comics. Though...I simply told you all the ways Julius could be possible in canon, and giving evidence is great and all, but one should always have something to back everything up shouldn't they? I have done just that. So dear reader sit back and relax, as I tell you the tail of the gods chosen, the ruthless, burnt, and the humble Julius Gemstone...At least...scroll down to see it in the detailed history...cause...putting here would be silly.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
All around equestria! An ambassadors work is never done~!
Title(s) / Rank
Royal Ambassador and caretaker of the crown and professor.
Skin / Coat Color
A pail creamy yellow
Eye Color
Shimmering emerald green.
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
(seen in bio)
Design Description
(seen in profile picture.)
Royal caretaker and ambassador for the crown and professor
A realm not of equestria.
Look to detailed history!
Detailed History
Through the many twists and turns of the Realmway, a place where beings of great and all mighty power can travel between realms lies a door. A door like many others, but this door holds behind it the Golden Realm, A realm in which our story begins. Behind the door marked with a great and beautiful tree with pools hanging from it’s ever infinite branches lies a land of breathtaking beauty. Long golden sand beaches, forest with trees that grow as tall as buildings with trunks and leaf’s glittering... View MoreThrough the many twists and turns of the Realmway, a place where beings of great and all mighty power can travel between realms lies a door. A door like many others, but this door holds behind it the Golden Realm, A realm in which our story begins. Behind the door marked with a great and beautiful tree with pools hanging from it’s ever infinite branches lies a land of breathtaking beauty. Long golden sand beaches, forest with trees that grow as tall as buildings with trunks and leaf’s glittering and sparkling in the sun's light as if covered in a fine golden powder. With wildlife larger than life the roam not only the large forests but also the massive rolling plains were rivers and lakes hold secrets of underground caves; along with shimmer gemstone colored fish, and where meadows of wildflowers bloom to make it seem as though the ground is but a swaying rainbow. To great mountains that rise high into the sky, piercing through the slightly pink hued clouds with their jagged peaks. All of this surrounds a single city, a city that rests at the base of one of the greatest mountains in Gamoria, With walls hundreds of feet tall gleaming as though constructed out of solid gold. With a city that surpasses even Manhatten in size, and where ponies of all shapes, sizes, and colors live in perfect harmony with one another. This is the city of gold. Or for those who come from outside of Gamoria, The gold City.This is the place that Julius calls home, the place where his people live, and the place that he can never go back to...Julius was born in the summer months, and is the eldest brother to his baby brother Jerald Gemstone Jr. His mother and father were the king and queen of the golden city, thus making him the prince, and the heir to the throne, when his father's time would come to pass. His father was a great stallion and one of the strongest pegasies ever seen., Standing tall and mighty, his pale yellow fur and striking emerald green hair, and a ravishing mustache to boot. He was a lower noble who served in the royal guard of the last king and queen where he fell in love with a young mare and princess to the throne Sapphire Gamoria one of the most powerful unicorns born in centuries, the rest is well known amongst the people and is a story for another time. Now it was time for the new heir to be shown to the kingdom they both ruled over, and julius was accepted with open arms and cheers that roared from the city below, the new prince was here, and he was a unicorn that looks just like his father.Julius being an only child at the time was spoiled rotten when he was just a foal, as he was nearly inseparable from his parents whom doted on him, nearly taking more time to spend with him then his official caretakers. Though when julius reached an age where his mind had developed enough to start learning magic, and a proper education, his mother and the court wizard started to school the young colt in the ways of magic, and how to be a proper Gamorian Prince. First the arch mage Roaring Arora tested the colt in all the different fields of magic, from destruction, to conjuration, illusion to telinetic magics. All of which he could definitely do, but not showing the same massive magical potential that his mother had, who could cast some of the most devastating, yet awe inspiring magic that even surpassed the arch mage, so where was this colts magical power? One day when going through an alchemy lesson, julius had fallen behind, but being shy and soft spoken for a colt at his younger age, he was panicking to try and keep up with his teacher, who seemed to be far more invested in talking, then looking at her panicked student. With a single drop of a wrong ingredient the room exploded into a mailstrum, the arcane liquid going critical and through the laboratories contents around the room with deadly speeds behind them, The arch mage being stunned after the sudden boom, acted just a little to slow, managing to cancel the wild magic effect, but not before getting a bottle of acid smashed along her face. With the wing no longer screaming in his ears, julius heard the grunts and soft swears of his teacher, whom now laid on the floor, hooves scrapping at her face to try and rid it of the acid that burned at her skin. Acting as though by another force he leaped over, calling out with worry and apologizes, tears in his eyes and said in a shaky voice “Don’t Worry, I-I’ll fix you!” To Arora’s surprise, she felt a warmth swell in her chest, that spread through her whole body, making that burning fade, and a soothing feeling of coolness run along her lightly scared cheek, the Arch mage had found what the colt had a talent in, the magical art of healing. When that talent was realized Julius got his first cutie mark, a great shimmering emerald with sparks swirled around it.With his magical focus found, and cutie mark on his flank the Arch mage had concluded her studies, and sent him back to his mother for proper schooling, while she got his magical studies ready for when he grew older. Back in his mother’s care he started to learn the ways of a true Gentlecolt, and all the proper ways to become a Prince in the eyes of all who would see him other then his mother and father. From Poster, to literature, painting to history, silverware placement, to how to approche and treat a lady, all of it pales in comparison when it came to the lessons of song, and instrument. Julius had been a soft spoken colt, shy around those who didn’t raise him, but respectful to a T thanks to his mother's teachings. Though his mother saw something within him, this rolling fire, a spark that she just needed draw out of him. So far nothing had truly seemed to draw it out, Painting and writing he did well in like any student would want to impress their teacher. Then it hit her...One day she took julius too one of her favorite rooms in the grand palace he called home. With a swing of a grand door Julius’ eyes filled with wonder and awe as inside lied the grand orchestra's practice hall, where they would come and rehurce their performances for the great balls thrown in the palace from time to time. There she introduced him to Symphony Shine, the lead conductor whom was a master at all instrumental. She too saw that spark in the young Princes’ eyes, and set out to find the instrument that could let that spark roar into a mighty flame. Instrument after instrument the young colt played with all his heart, nearly mastering each and everyone but still not fully letting himself go into the music, simply doing it the way he was taught, following his instructors lesson to the very last note, the colt had passion for the arts, that much was clear but he just couldn’t seem to find the instrument that let him flow.Whilst brushing up on piano Symphony was going over the string instruments parts in their upcoming performance, and that is when julius heard it, the sweet siren tone of the Violin, Slowly his hooves came to a stop as he looked from his sheet and simply looked on, enchanted by its harmonious sound. Symphony who noticed the soft piano had stopped looked to see what had her student slacking, only to see him in tears listening to the violinist play their part. That is when she knew she had found his instrument. She sent him back to his mother and told him to return tomorrow for a new lesson, and so he did, his mother in toe as she had heard the Symphony had finally achieved a breakthrough. When the two royals stepped in they saw Symphony placing the last sheet of music on a stand, before she could be asked what she had planned, she stepped aside and with a grand wave of her hoof she showed julius a Violin of his very own. A stunning golden oak full size violin, with brass tuner knobs and strings of the finest metal that could be weaved. With nothing but a wide eyed look he slowly walked over and slowly stood on his hind legs, and picked up the instrument, his mother and teacher looking on in silent anticipation, the two holding each others hooves. The first time Julius ran the golden bow down the strings of his violin, the most breathtaking harmony of notes sand out from the violin, Along with...the voice of the young prince, Singing along with the peace his body moving with purpose, his eyes closing as he looked away from the sheet, and let the music carry him with his voice harmonizing with the melody of his violin, finally letting the spark roar into a flame, his second cutie mark appeared in a flash of light after the crescendo of the song, leaving his right flank with a cutie mark that had all the instruments he played spun in a circle, with song bird in the center.With tears in their eyes the two mares embraced the prince, nothing but pride in their hearts. So his schooling went on, foucessing again on the skills that would help him as a ruler, and as a pony in general, finding his other passion in life, the art of cooking. Though when Julius reached the age of 8, it was time for his real training to begin. One morning he woke up to his mother and father at his bedside, telling him the good news, very soon he would have a baby brother. With the news under his mane Julius threw himself at his teachings, saying “I have to get everything done! I have to have as much time with my brother as I can!” With youthful determination in his heart, both his mother and father moved forward with his teachings. His mother continuing her schooling, but his father now stepping in to teach julius in the ways of a worrier. Over the months leading up to the birth of his baby brother, julius learned how to protect himself, and learned in the art of the blade along with his father. Seeming to find that instead of using magic to defend himself, he was far more attuned with physical protection then arcane.Soon the moths of training passed and Jerald’s sun was a great warrior, and even beasted him in a duel, his final test to prove his training was completed. With his father’s blessing he moved on to focus on his magical training, where he further learned about magic, healing and otherwise to the delight of both his mother and the Arch mage. Soon though the time came, and his baby brother Jerald Gemstone Jr. was born, Though either in a twist of fate or sheer genetic oddity, his brother had taken on his mother's appearance, matching her dark Blue coat and mane, with shining sky blue eyes to boot.From here life became far more simple for the young prince, doting over his brother at every turn, stunning the caretakers and even his own mother with the level of care Julius showed his dearest baby brother. Soon the months tearend to years, and the two brothers had become the new menace of the city, Jerald Jr (who we will be calling J from here on) and Julius got into all the trouble young colts should, J being the far more rambunches of the two lead julius to be pulled into his young brothers schemes for sweets past bedtime, and playful pranks on the towns people bellow. The two were inseparable and loved it. Though like all good things, it must come to an end. When Julius turned 15 a new threat had come to the land of Gamoria, an evil known simply as venom had come to sweep the land in a great darkness. The Golden ponies rallied behind their king, who lead them to quash this evil from their world once and for all, leaving the young stallion to lead the people in his father sted, of course assisted by his mother, showing great leadership in his father stead julius was truly beloved by all who started to call him the truly rightful heir to his father's throne! Sadly, that complement turned into cold stabbing truth. Victory had come on the side of the Golden ponies, but at the coast of their great king, who through himself at the evil venom in a battle bards would tell for millennia to come but in the end he had to give his life, to take the life of the evil venom. Sacrificing himself, for his kingdom, and his family. This shattered Julius, losing his father, the mane he respected above else, who promised to be back, who still had yet to see J fly...was gone. Julius was not the only one who was broken by this however, Sapphire, who’s love for her king was infinite now lost her other half, and the grife was just to great. The family, and the rest of the city grew to be broken by the death of their king, and all mourned for him. Though in this darkest hour, a light must be found to shine bright, and beat back the darkness Jerald fought so hard to defeat. So the gods of the realm, its protectors chose to step in and pull their children from the brink, and give them that light. Choosing to impart it, onto the one who showed the most promise, Julius Gemstone would become the gods chosen. In this he felt a swell of determination in his heart, he would not let his father's death be in vain! By the time he turned 16, he had breathed the flame of life back into the ponies of the golden city, and shown them the light that his father fought so hard to protect. On that fateful day, when he would turn 16 the gods had decided that he was indeed the right choice, and so imparted onto him their powers, so he may continue to lead his people through any darkness that may come their way.The goddess of magic blessed him with her power, giving him powerful abilities, one that could match his mother in power, the Goddess of the sky blessed onto him the swiftness of the pegasie, giving him great and powerful wings so he could soar above and lead his people in the right direction, and finally the god of earth blessed him with the mighty strength to beat back any who may try to harm his people again, thus. The once simple unicorn prince was now the gods chosen alicorn, the beacon of light for all to follow.Though given great power, the love of his kingdom, and blessing of the gods, Julius was still but a young stallion, fragile of heart, and mind, and now given such power he had yet to fully understand, such a load would be far to much too a normal pony, but Julius had to make his father proud, he had to fight through the doughts, the sadness, the pain in his chest left by his father's death, and he knew with his brother and mother by his side, he knew he could do it! Until one fateful day. Sitting alone at the top of her balcony the queen Sapphire looked over her kingdom, clutching her husband's crown in her hooves, remember the time they were together, So lost in thought was she, she didn’t hear the silent hooves approaching her from behind. It was over in a single strike of a dagger to the nape of the neck, its twisted and curved blade sunk deep, and sent her spirit to be with her husband forever, in the great sky above, the palace ground workers watched in horror as their beloved queen was pushed off her balcony by black leather bound hooves as her lifeless body came crashing down to the courtyard below.In but a single years time Julius’ mother and father had been taken from him, he was not even 17 when he had to spread his mother's ashes into the golden winds, knowing that with all this new power given to him by the gods he couldn’t even save his own mother from one assassin, one of Venom’s last agents who’d swore to take revenge for his master’s death. This was what broke the young stallion. He descended into a deep grief, a grief, grief that grew into red hot, burning rage. “Why should I be the one to suffer!? Had I not done enough!? Suffered enough!? What is this power good for if I couldn’t even save my mother!? Damn the gods, Damn everypony! DAMN IT ALL!” consumed the the darkness he was meant to ward off, he plunged the once perfect city of gold into a dark age of strife, crime, and death. Ruling through fear and power, sending all who opposed him to the undercity, and simply stood by and watched his people toil and suffer with glee, the darkness in his heart enjoying the company of others who’d finally understand how much he hurt. This however is not wear his story ends. After five years of tyranny, one pony rose to put an end to the suffering brought on by the gods chosen, his old teacher Roaring Arora, the arch mage of the golden city. The battle of epic in scale, the arch mage throwing all she had to dethrone her corrupted student. The two meeting in a clash where Arora sneered to her once star student. “To think...your mother and father had so much faith in you...and yet you betray all they taught you, all the way worked for!” The words of witch stabbed deeper into julius far more than any blade could, his eyes going wide and pupils growing to the size of pinpricks left him open for the arch mage to blast him with the last of her magical strength living up to her namesake, wreathing the corrupted king in burning fire, leaving 96 percent of his body smoldering, bubbling, and charred black. Laying there defeated, the error of his ways came rushing back through his mind, the pain breaking through the darkness in his heart, and brought with it painful clarity. Though it, his tear filled eyes looked to see his teacher, standing over him, tomb covered in now broken chain and dust floating in her magical grip she spoke the ancient arcane words as a split in the realms appeared behind julius, crackling golden energy shooting off from it, breaking apart the throne room even more as she shouted “Your rule is no more! You have dishonored the gods and their gift, driven your people to near ruin, and solid your family legacy with your corruption! I Arch Mage Roaring Arora hereby banish you, to never return here! If those eyes are truly mournful for what you have done My corrupted king...then never return to this place you have done too much to ever be forgiven...NOW BEGONE!” With a roar of arcane energy, the power of the portal sucked Julius through sending him spinning through the arcane gate, throwing him out of the golden realm, from his home, his people...and the last bit of family he had…...Though...maybe the gods saw how much he wanted to repent for his crimes...maybe it was just the heat of the moment, and Arora sent him to a random realm, anything to get him out of theirs. Maybe a mix of both…In the land of equestria, a day like any other, sunny and clear of clouds, the birds sang and the flowers bloomed in the city of canterlot. Ponies around enjoying the summer months, soon came to slowly panic, as the rolling sound of thunder could be heard, the sky darkened, and lighting started to clash, and strike the city below, before all who looked up where stunned in horror to see a great maw open in the sky. A swirling vortex spewing forth golden lighting as the spell forced open a gateway between the two realms and what flew out, surrounded by a golden trail of smoldering feathers and fur was the once corrupted king of Gamoria, Julius Gemstone, The alicorn from another realm, banished for his crimes, sitting on the edge of death came crashing down to the castle bellow only to be caught by a blue of yellow and blue, the vortex above disappearing in a purple flash, and the sunny day was back to how it once was...only now the bird were silent...as all took in what they just saw. Saved by Celestia and Luna, and cared for by the top medical staff canterlot had to offer, The young king was saved, his burns treated, and he was left to rest, for questions of who he was, where he came from, and why he was here bounced in the minds of the princesses, and what a alicorn appearing in their land meant for all of equestria...the answer? You’ll just have to see for yourself~ by that I mean keep reading...IF YOU DARE!!!!! (Aka I still need to write it down on digital...its...all on paper.)
Assets / Bits / Property
A room in canterlot castle as well as his personal home located the everfree forest off of the mane path leading into it. Bits are taken care of by the princesses by he often keeps at least 1,000 on person at any given point in time.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Please look to detaild history for said information~ (Little to lazy to put that here right now...i'll get to it alright ;~;)
For now please look to detailed history (I'm a little lazy at the moment right now...i'll get to it I promise ;3;)
Basic Info
Birth Date:
May 7, 1999
Last Login:
August 12, 2021
Member Since:
December 4, 2017
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