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Julius Gemstone

Male. Lives in American Falls,  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on May 7, 1999
Misc. RP Information
*I take a deep breath before walking into a spot light, it flicking on as I give a sweeping bow.* Good day, afternoon, or evening all! My name is Stephan Wright, and this is the Bio for my dear companion Julius!
Julius takes a quick step forward before giving a large sweeping bow him self. "Hello all! It's lovely too meet you!" Julius say's before taking a step back and giving my back the spotlight.
*I smile and look back too the audience* Here in this BIo you will find of Julius Character infor... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
All around equestria! An ambassadors work is never done~!
Title(s) / Rank
Royal Ambassador and caretaker of the crown and professor.
Skin / Coat Color
A pail creamy yellow
Eye Color
Shimmering emerald green.
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
(seen in bio)
Design Description
(seen in profile picture.)
Royal caretaker and ambassador for the crown and professor
A realm not of equestria.
Look to detailed history!
Detailed History
Through the many twists and turns of the Realmway, a place where beings of great and all mighty power can travel between realms lies a door. A door like many others, but this door holds behind it the Golden Realm, A realm in which our story begins. Behind the door marked with a great and beautiful tree with pools hanging from it’s ever infinite branches lies a land of breathtaking beauty. Long golden sand beaches, forest with trees that grow as tall as buildings with trunks and leaf’s glittering... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
A room in canterlot castle as well as his personal home located the everfree forest off of the mane path leading into it. Bits are taken care of by the princesses by he often keeps at least 1,000 on person at any given point in time.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Please look to detaild history for said information~ (Little to lazy to put that here right now...i'll get to it alright ;~;)
For now please look to detailed history (I'm a little lazy at the moment right now...i'll get to it I promise ;3;)
Basic Info
Birth Date:
May 7, 1999
Last Login:
August 12, 2021
Member Since:
December 4, 2017
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