Misc. RP Information
Eiko Aki (most often times, just referred to as "Aki") is a playful, creative, and somewhat childish Kitsune, born and raised, being the smallest in her home, in Neighpan. Starting off when she was young, she had learned that she had the unique power (as far as Kitsune magic was concerned) to manipulate ink using her tails. As time went on, she strengthened her abilities, and started to develop a more...Mischievous side, oftentimes taking great pleasure in messing around the pony villagers and t... View MoreEiko Aki (most often times, just referred to as "Aki") is a playful, creative, and somewhat childish Kitsune, born and raised, being the smallest in her home, in Neighpan. Starting off when she was young, she had learned that she had the unique power (as far as Kitsune magic was concerned) to manipulate ink using her tails. As time went on, she strengthened her abilities, and started to develop a more...Mischievous side, oftentimes taking great pleasure in messing around the pony villagers and travelers all over Neighpan.As it often goes with Kitsune, on her 1,000th birthday...Ish...She had gotten her ninth tail, effectively becoming the strongest she could, in her magical art. Ink so realistic, it was difficult to tell it from the normal, her paintings began to take on lives of their own, water could actually flow, ponies in the ink could walk and speak, and so on and so forth. But...Her power didn't stop at just her ninth tail. She quickly began to develop a tenth tail, then another, or multiple, every few years, or after doing a great personal achievement in artistry; painting an entire world, for example. Or, tricking a whole group into going the literal opposite direction they were meant to.With every tail she gained after her ninth, she grew more and more powerful, and her art became even better. She could paint surrealism and make it real, paint onto living things and manipulate the environment around her, with her ink. She had used her tails and her ink so much, in fact, that the tips of every tail she had, and that she would get, had grown blackened, by the ink, like a well-used brush, thus leading to the nickname, "Brush-Tail".As time went on, and with each passing year, she got bigger, too. With every tail gained, she grew larger. Sometimes, it was slightly larger, or just barely. But, other times, it was noticeable, or she grew by a massive amount, comparatively. She did, though, find a way to manipulate her size and shrink and grow, as she wanted, after many years of practice and hard work. She traveled around Neighpan, continuing to mess with travelers and towns, often times taking other forms to do whatever she wanted. She always saw it as a lot of fun, and took great pride in her little...Escapades. She often took the forms of rabbits or an average, single-tailed fox. Sometimes, though, she would choose a bird, of some kind, or a pony. It just depended upon what she was doing, how she felt that day, and whether or not she cared about getting caught!Neighpan was fun, sure...But, she'd gotten bored really quick after her...2,000th year of being in the same place, doing the same things, over and over again...Yaddah, yaddah, boring-boring-jabber-jabber...And, she eventually decided to jump a boat to some far-off land, looking for adventure! Loads of adventures! TONS OF ADVENTURES! SO MANY ADVENTURES! She'd gone to Saddle Arabia, Germaney (Seventeen times...REALLY FUN.), Equestria (She absolutely ADORED Canterlot, and the Crystal Empire...Even though, apparently, throwing snowballs at guards is...Ahem..."Frowned upon severely and could lead to jailtime"...It was still AWESOME! And...The jails were pretty cool...For the first...Seven visits), Maretania, Maretonia (Which was pretty boring, at first, but kinda fun, when she started messing with the Duke and Duchess...And, was then chased out of the country...Six times...), Mustangia (Also kinda boring, but...It was fun to mess around in for a week, while the heat in Maretonia died down!), and a lot of other places! It was all SUPER FUN! She'd even visited Prance, and did a little bit of painting, for them! (Well...She painted in every little place she went to, but...Prance was way more..."Accepting" of her art...Probably because she didn't use it to trick ponies, all that often...The eclairs were good, though!).Aki has a massive Odachi that she can paint and adjust the size for, whenever she wants. She...Doesn't use it that often, though...Thankfully, though, right? Why does she have a sword? WHY WOULDN'T YOU HAVE A SWORD?! YOU CAN GO ALL LIKE; 'SWOOSH-SWOOSH-SWOOSH", AND "STAB-STAB-STAB-STAB", THEEEEEEEN, YOU CAN FOLLOW THAT UP WITH; "SWOOSHIDY-SWOOSHIDY-SWOOSH-SWOOSH!" IT'S A HUGE SWORD, TOO! Science proves that giant swords make for awesome defenses...And, they look awesome as a decoration...And science...Is rarely-ever-wrong...Except when it is...Along with the nickname "Brush Tail", she can also answer to "Megami Kitsune Eiko Aki"...Or, just..."Megami"...The...Original was kinda long...as well as "Sakura Aki", from her love, and first-ever painting, of the Sakura (cherry blossom) tree. But...The one name she never wants to hear...EVER...Is "Akuma Aki"...Seriously, DON'T CALL HER THAT!!!!!!!! And, if you do...Then...There's probably no way to properly get back on her good side...Except if you get her some Sake...Aaaaaaand some Inari-zushi...Aaaaaaaaaannnnnnd swear yourself to her so she can take over the world with her art-minion army...Naaaaaahhhhhh! She doesn't have the plans to take over the entire world...Seriously, though, get her some Inari-zushi, and some Sake...That stuff's GOOOOOOD!!Aaaaanyway, that's...Really about it for Eiko Aki's whole...Thing...Uuuhhhh...Yeah! So...That's it...You can...You can go now......You're...Still here? Why? The bio's over! Go on, I'm sure you've got more important things to do! Go on......So...You're still...You're still reading, huh? Uh...OK...Look, Uh...I gotta level with you, here...Uh...It was...Me, Aki, kinda writing this, from like...The whole..."Yaddah-yaddah" part, on...So, uh...Please don't tell my admin! Alright, so, uh...Yeah...Look, I gotta go, before my admin comes back...So...Yeah...Byeeeee!!!!
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Birth Date:
March 3, 1998
Last Login:
February 16, 2025
Member Since:
December 4, 2017
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