Common locations your character will be
Usually stays in everfree forest but does go to ponyville
Skin / Coat Color
Dark brown
Eye Color
Bright purple that looks like it has stars in Them
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Has a music note in her right shoulder shows she likes music
Music, making friends, protecting others
Mean ponies, being alone, ponies hurting animals for no reas
Detailed Personality
Kind, caring, will try to show she is happy but she feels alone, feisty, sassy, sarcastic, can get angry if you hurt the one's she cares about
Didn't go to school
Detailed History
When she was a cub she was friends with Simba and Nala. With her being Simba's cousin she was to be his royal adviser that made her exited but her dad who also happened to be scar/taka didn't like that so he killed mufasa her uncle. After a couple of years Simba and killed her dad of course that didn't bather her as scar killed her mother. After another year she left in her own path. And now she helps others when they need it
Assets / Bits / Property
After helping so many creatures over the years she got allot of bits she's consider alittle rich. She owns a cabin in everfree forest
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Can cook, fight, sing, read, along with her sense being heightened so she can track things through smell and sounds,
Basic Info
Birth Date:
May 14, 2001
Last Login:
June 5, 2019
Member Since:
May 9, 2019
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