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Lavender Dawn

Male. Lives in Canterlot,  Canterlot,  Equestria. 28 years old
Misc. RP Information
Open to most types of RP. I ask that we discuss before beginning. If you send me a random starter then I probably won't reply.
I try to reply promptly but I can get busy. The more you nag me with little "boops" the more I will lose interest in continuing. Please don't make the rp feel like a chore.
Always willing to chat.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Canterlot and the surrounding countryside.
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Dark blue
Eye Color
Design Description
He is a tall, wide framed unicorn with a deep blue coat. His mane is predominantly purple with a hint of red. His eyes are a soft shade of lavender. He has a muscular frame that is maintained by intensive drills and long patrols. His body is often covered by a bulky uniform and thick armoured plates, polished to a parade standard.
Exploring, drinking, meeting foreign people. Sophie
Hangovers, nagging, stagnation. Sophie
Detailed Personality
He grew up with a black and white perception of the world which has been repeatedly challenged by the realities of his duties, things rarely being cut and dry. As a result, he has a growing sense of cynicism he tries to mask behind a sense of duty and obligation. While Dawn absolutely adores his home City. He has a deep desire to explore the rest of the world, despite being rather naïve towards it. He hopes his work will one day send him long and far from Equestria, until then he is often drawn ... View More
Solar Guard. Blood Doll. Brat Tamer
Went through high school and then received training as a guard.
Detailed History
Dawn has spent much of his life living within the boundaries of Canterlot and beneath the shadow of the Royal castle. He was raised with a deep respect for the Monarchy and the royal guard, often spending his youth daydreaming about the Royal Princesses and their knights in Shining Armor. He enlisted as soon as he was of age. He slowly came to realise that the Dreams of a foul do not always match with reality. The guard could be more demanding than he ever imagined, but also more mundane. His da... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
A modest home and small savings balance.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Dawn is rather mediocre with magic and has to combine his spells with physical abilities. Being a member of the guard, Dawn has trained in self-defence, combat and survival skills. He also has minor skills in profiling and investigation. Being a guard has also trained him to spend long hours on patrol or guarding a single spot while trying not to let his boredom show. This has given the young stallion a good poker face.
Most of his spells are related to conjuring shields or restraining targets.
Basic Info
Last Login:
December 17, 2024
Member Since:
December 4, 2017
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