Misc. RP Information
Yes. This is Asuka (and Nar)'s mom.Mostly just here so I can write court stuff, but also possibly do some actual RP.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts
Common locations your character will be
Home, Her Law Office, Her Husband's Restaraunt
Title(s) / Rank
Law Firm Owner/Founder, Mom
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Icy blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
An open briefcase with documents inside.
Design Description
Betty is on the shorter side for a mare her age (and is only going to get shorter.) She's lean, with little muscle on her body. By no means is she thin, or frail however. Her heat sports medium, brown hair, always very well groomed. She's meticulous about the hair products she uses, and has used the same brand for over 30 years now. She can usually be found wearing very professional attire, unless at home, or for more casual outings such as grocery shopping, or visiting family.
Black Tea, Neighpanese Food, Accoustic Lounge Music
Greedy Corperations, Corporate Attourneys, Alcohol
Detailed Personality
Betty is an older mare, with decades of experience in civil law. She's a kind, thoughtful mare, who loves nothing more than to see others smile. Well, with some minor exceptions. She's a loving, supportive mother, even if she doesn't quite understand her children's choices in life. Outside of her work, she's rarely found without her husband at her side. She's quite needy when it comes to his affection, and since his opening of his restaurant, has put in place a rule that he must take Sunday's of... View More
Workplace Injury Attorney
Masters in Civil, and Workplace LawBachelors in PsychologyBAR certified
Detailed History
//To be added later. Maybe.
Assets / Bits / Property
A fairly nice 2 story house in PonyvilleA law firm which specializes in workplace injury"Worlds Coolest Mom" mug from 15 years ago. She keeps it at her office to use daily.A lucky pendant from her mother in law
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
LawInvestigationPublic SpeakingMaking Breakfast
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Last Login:
January 10, 2025
Member Since:
April 7, 2019
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