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Light Show

Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. 27 years old
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
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Title(s) / Rank
Most Wanted No. 6
Skin / Coat Color
Rather black, with a hint of lightness in the coat.
Eye Color
Glowing cyan 'whites' with shiny silver irises.
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A trick dagger that looks real without close inspection.
Design Description
A lithe mare of half of a half an inch taller than the average, Light Show is... Attractive, for sure (At least when her scars arent showing (Or even with them, depending on the character)), but she doesn't have the body of a model like- for example- Fleur de Lis. Her figure is clearly built off of years of gymnastic-like training, though the lack of much visible muscle- not to say it isn't there- indicates at least some reliance on magical strength enhancment.
Without a constant illusion, Light ... View More
Stage magicianing, mint sauce, fights, informal settings.
Prince Blueblood, her father, spicy foods
Detailed Personality
Often rather confident- sometimes nearly to the point of overconfidence- Light Show can be quite full of herself. Or, at least, she can seem that way. Beneath the confident and outgoing façade, her personality is rather different. Despite her outward confidence, she is extremely paranoid and fearful. Beneath her seemingly outgoing and 'trusting' nature, she is looking for any and every sign of betrayal in those around her. Always watching her own back, scared of a repeat of her past. Beneath her... View More
Contract Killer
Manhattan streets
She was trained from birth to be a freelance assassin by her adoptive father, and given a decent education by teachers who owed or were threatened by the stallion. Her own adventures taught him lots as well. But there are some basic things she just doesn't know, that her father never bothered to teach her.
Detailed History
You'll have to find out as you go, yeah? More fun that way.
Assets / Bits / Property
She is almost always wearing a red and slightly faded green scarf that was left behind by her former mentor and fatherish figure after his betrayal.
She owns a home in most major cities, and in a few countries outside of Equestria. For the most part it's less she owns them and it's more she occupies them and it's too dangerous to be worth, you know, doing anything about it.
She has quite a small fortune from her work, but she only really carries a few pouches full of bits with her at any given tim... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Killing, dramatic entrances, theatrics, athletics, being a bit of an asshole, and making coffee.
I don't much keep lists of spells for characters. However, I suppose I can list a few. However, most of these are extensions of the mastery she has over the Lux Imperium spell.
Lux Imperium: The big one. Many unicorns have some kind of magic they are good with outside of telekinesis. This is Light's. Lux Imperium does exactly what it says on the tin. An incredibly versatile concentration-based spell, it allows the caster to control all aspects of any light in a certain radius. Normally this takes... View More
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Last Login:
March 20, 2025
Member Since:
February 13, 2020
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