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Fate Aria

Female. Lives in Moongard,  Equestria.
Misc. RP Information
Her birthday is September 26th
Her birth name is Fate Aria. The name she was given by her abductors was Denali Lunamoon. She goes by both.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Literally anywhere in Equestria and beyond
Skin / Coat Color
Pale blue with grey tones
Eye Color
Green and light blue heterochromatic
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Refer to reference of Fate/Denali
Cherry anything
Detailed Personality
Sass, sass, and more sass easily describes Fate Aria. Due to her sass and sarcasm, she comes off as quite abrasive. She is blunt to a fault but has been known to take it too far sometimes.
Fate is very confident and strong-willed, helping others whom may not see themselves in a great light. This comes from having to grow past her own self image issues and lack of belonging.
She is loud and boisterous, and often needs to be reminded of proper behavior.
Due to the nature of her magic, she... View More
She can read, having learned after years of roughing it on her own and reading many comics and manga. She lacks ways to express her thoughts and feelings into words, though.
She has no formal education.
Has been taught how to manage her finances.
Assets / Bits / Property
Fate Aria has a massive wealth accumulated from her various modeling gigs, as she has no home to pay bills for. Mainly only has what she can carry in her saddle bags when traveling.
Has recently acquired magic saddle bags that allow her to carry much more with out extra weight.
Many of which include, almost thousands of comic and mangas from her various storage places around Equestria, her gaming system and modded games, mane care products, makeup, jewelry, and an assortment of collars and necklac... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
seems to be very persuasive (her magic is what it actually is)
Can mod very basic things for her games
Baking (she usually never can do this as most places she stays have no ovens)
Mind manipulation magic (hers is warped due to her upbringing. Can be used to persuade some pony into something or render them brain dead. Can get out of control if her emotions are not in check) ((she's not supposed to be able to hurt others with her magic had she grown up normally))
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Last Login:
December 19, 2024
Member Since:
March 22, 2020
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