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~Lady Magius~

Female. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on October 24, 2002
Misc. RP Information
Lady Magius comes from a far far civilization called Iridescence, home to the Lambent ponies. Magius left to discover more areas outside of her hometown and thus set off towards newer horizons. She only recently arrived in Equestria and managed to settle nicely within Canterlot as a late night shop keep. Her store is open from sunset to sunrise, stationed near highly active late night town squares where she gets a ton of hoof traffic.
Magius sells a variety of things, but mostly sells custom mad... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts
Common locations your character will be
More common: Canterlot. Less common: Ponyville
Skin / Coat Color
Solid Black, hooves and wings fade to purple.
Eye Color
Bright Turquoise
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Adventure, Slice of Life, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Fandom AU, Other Species
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Lambent's cannot get cutie marks.
Design Description
Most of her coat is a solid black, only her wings and legs to hooves have a gradient purple that gets brighter the closer to the tips they are. Her main has a similar coloration pattern. Her main is also very curly and fluffy, tail is almost serpentine while the hair growing on the underside. Two sets of ears, one smaller then the other and horns that curve out and behind her head.
Techno music, multi colored lights, cheese cake
The Sun, party crashers
Detailed Personality
Magius is extremely outgoing for only being a night dweller and she takes a lot of pride in her crafts. Shes extremely encouraging and always tries to keep the mood high and energized. Outside of work, shes not much different, but she is quieter. Her variant of Lambent doesnt thrive in the daylight so when day comes around, shes hidden away in the back of the store where her home is. Many who dont go out and about during the night, often believe Magius is reclusive and a hobo due to how many tim... View More
Light Shop Keeper
Flicker Ville, Iridescence
Taught by elder Moonless Lambents
Detailed History
Iridescence is home to Lambent Ponies, a place far far away from the regular state of Equestria. In Iridescence, there are two variants of Lambent Ponies, The Moonless and The Sunlit.
Sunlit Lambents are born with a white coat that slowly fades into whatever pigment they were born with, spreading into their wings/horns, and legs. Their manes are the same pigments. Sunlit Lambent colors fade from white, to their natural born pigment that gradually gets darker the closer to the tips of their body i... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Mastercrafts Mare in lanterns and glowsticks.
Basic Levitation
Multiple different light spells
Basic Info
Birth Date:
October 24, 2002
Last Login:
8 hours ago
Member Since:
Yesterday, 4:35 pm
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