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Lunar Eclipse

Other. Lives in Cityville,  Manehattan,  Equestria. Born on February 22, 1990
Common locations your character will be
Could be found in many different settings
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Blue and red (dichromatic)
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A scar/stitches on both sides.
Design Description
White unicorn with an off-white mane/tail. Mane sometimes resembles a crescent moon. One eye is blue and the other is red due to a genetic condition. Lunar’s gender is a bit of a mystery to those who don’t know their backstory (intersex), but she poses as female in my default timeline.
soft things, round things, warm things, and needles
the color purple, direct sunlight (is sensitive to it)
Detailed Personality
Is often playful and outgoing, but has another side.
seamstress, baker, criminal, surgeon, depends on au
Detailed History
Lunar Eclipse was born to be the perfect daughter, a 'designer child' for a wealthy purple unicorn named Briar Rose. Briar Rose wanted her child to be a chimera, with both albinism and leucism, so she'd stand out from a crowd as special and unique.
"My daugter should be noticed by Princess Celestia so that she will become her most prized pupil, and one day rule Equestria."
We all know that's not what happened, though.
Comic version of Lunar's backstory:
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Plays the flute, but it's just a hobby. Can also sew. In terms of magic skill, she specializes in levitation and resizing spells, which is used on her handy sewing needles.
Magic reacts to the full moon and lunar eclipse.
Normally, her magic is not particularly powerful. Though she has hones skills with levitation and can resize certain objects.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
February 22, 1990
Last Login:
February 13, 2021
Member Since:
February 6, 2018
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