Skin / Coat Color
d99cee (hexadecimal value), a light shade of magenta-purple
Eye Color
209688 (hexadecimal value), a shade of green-cyan
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description Gleam is a scrawny light purple-colored unicorn with a spikey, flame-colored mane and long tail. Has eyes of a minty color, with magic being similarly colored.
Detailed Personality
Key Traits: Reserved/Demure, Determined, Pensive, Adventurous, and Curious Long form: Marvel Gleam is a reserved pony, not very good at expressing thoughts or emotions(especially when it comes to describing a personality). Tries to be social, and attempts to be good at it too, but it often ends up in chaos, an embarrassing situation, or simply Marvel acting abnormally. Marvel is oftentimes quite Determined, though can be somewhat defeated inside. Despite this Marvel tries to stay positive and e... View More
Detailed History
How bout’ a non-detailed history? Wanders around Equestria and beyond, but has a permanent home on the outskirts of Everfree Forrest along Ponyville territory.
Assets / Bits / Property
Assets:- Science Equipment(bunsen burners, centrifuge, test tubes, microscope, etc.)- Books- Crystals- Magic objects- A bunch of junk- Patent for mechanical wings- Potentially some CompTech stock- Etc.Bits:- ¯|_(ツ)_/¯Property:- One house in the Everfree Forest along the edge of Ponyville.- Several huts scattering Equestria, for staying in when on adventures.- A mine near Ghastly Gorge- Etc.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Magic and Incantation:- Teleportation- Transmutation Spells- Extensive Spell Knowledge- Spell Hybridization- Intermediate Potion KnowledgeIntellect and Skills:- Science & Tech- Arts- Adventuring- Novice/Intermediate Music Creation- Basic EngineeringInherent powers:- Basic Magic - Extraplanar travel
Levitation Teleport AcceleroBarrier Light Manipulation FireThundershockPK Rockin’TremorHealAura SenseItem ConjurePortalect.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
December 21, 2007
Last Login:
March 23, 2025
Member Since:
July 15, 2024
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