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Male. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. 124 years old
Misc. RP Information
Hello, hello!
{Out-Of-Character information}
My name is Matthew, but you can call me anything you'd like OOCly. Rarely you'll see me send messages to you first, but that's probably due to me being a shy little dude. Don't let that stop you! I'm happy to roleplay and talk as much as you'd like! But with that being said, I do have rules about what i'll talk about. Please don't ask me anything sensitive besides my name and my age! There's not much I really needed to voice in this part, I just wanted ... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Asleep, or sitting next to a store during the night hours
Title(s) / Rank
Royal Guard (Undisclosed Rank)
Skin / Coat Color
Grape shaded Lavender
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
Glimmer is a taller-than-average Bat Pony, and larger than most ponies he knows. While not suffering a genetic defect or a cheating mother, his father was quite opposite of his build, sleek and small. His smile is bright and almost reflective, and his voice deeper but softer than some. His mane and body is soft to the touch, and he uses it occasionally as a cushion against the ground.
Blood & Cuddles
Sunlight, not sleeping
Detailed Personality
Glimmer tries to know the ladies, but it usually fails for him. During the morning hours, Glimmer is the most irritable. He hates waking up, but he'll eventually smile and shake his discomfort off.
Like most Bat Ponies, he hates the sun. He would rather be waterboarded than have to deal with the big Yellow ball of firey death and despair. With that being said, he can be very moody during the daylight hours.
Royal Guard
Full foal-adult education, + his combat training
Detailed History
(( Total character rework, but here's something for now <3 ))
Glimmer was born a normal Bat Pony birth, in the Hollow Shades area. His parents were normal, just middle-class workers for which he was grateful for.
As he grew, his body seemed stockier and taller than some of his other Bat Pony friends. While labeled a giant, he was gentle and useful. Growing up, he would be used as a stepping stool for his childhood friends to steal various foods and drinks from around town. While he felt just a lit... View More
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Last Login:
July 25, 2024
Member Since:
December 4, 2017
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