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Maxwell Wolffe

Male. Lives in Manehattan,  Manehattan,  Equestria. Born on November 1, 1990
Common locations your character will be
His apartment, wandering the streets, or his work.
Skin / Coat Color
His coat is a light brown colour
Eye Color
A deep, dark forest green.
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Strangely, he doesn’t have one.
Design Description
The first things many notice about Max is his size and overall rugged and rough around the edges appearance. Max is a tall and strongly built stallion, with a body type that would often fluctuate through the seasons. During the colder seasons, such as fall and winter, he’d sport a more brute-like form, focusing more on size and strength. During summer and spring, he’d seem to cut right down to a leaner, but sturdy figure.
His light coat is soft to the touch, while his mane is thick with small cu... View More
Detailed Personality
Max is a quiet stallion, preferring to stick to himself rather than open up and strike up conversations with others. While it may be a challenge to get him talking, once he does one would find he’s overall pretty kind, although he could be blunt and brutally honest. He’s known to have a hair trigger, and it can be quite easy to set him off or start getting on his nerves, but a priority of his is to keep his emotions in line at all times.
Street Smarts
Detailed History
Assets / Bits / Property
Max is no where near to being wealthy or at a comfortable financial spot. With the money he earns from being a bouncer at a popular club, he’s able to scrape by the skin of his teeth and barely manage to support himself.
He lives just a mere few minutes away from his work, in an old and rundown apartment that threatens to cave in on itself at any moment. The apartment is quite bland, barren and small, lacking any photos or artwork, and is consistently filled with the background sound of a clock t... View More
Max has the ability to shift his form at will, becoming more and more beast-like the closer he gets to that of his true, natural form of a wolf. The more beastly he becomes, the faster, stronger and more aggressive he is too. This is something he hides from the public, fearing what may happen should this secret be uncovered. While he has control over this transformation, it may also be accidentally triggered due to great amounts of emotional grief, such as rage or sadness.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
November 1, 1990
Last Login:
August 12, 2021
Member Since:
June 1, 2020
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