Misc. RP Information
I like to RP, i am generally cool with most things, just ask. All I ask is that your at least 18 for any rps other than slice of life rps.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Ghastly Gorge, Ponyville, Canterlot
Title(s) / Rank
Sgt of the 128th ERB (retired), Nobility, Researcher
Skin / Coat Color
Sandy tan
Eye Color
Dark Forest Green
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Slice of Life, Romance, Sci-Fi, Fandom AU, Anthro
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A club (the card symbol)
Design Description
is a tall Pegasus stallion with a jet black main and tail that grows kinda wildish but shows its been cut. by hoof of course. wears an olive green smock around his neck and never leaves home without it. has a set of aviator goggles on the top of his head. Has a slight limp in the rear left leg so he prefers flying over walking because hes self-conscious about it. He has large wings built for high altitude gliding and long flights, a sub-species of pegasi dubbed "Gliders" for an obvious reason. H... View More
Strawberry Cheesecake, Sleeping, relaxing, reading, rain
Crowds, Speaking in front of an audience, walking.
Detailed Personality
Has a fear of public speaking and cannot be in large bustling crouds without being near a close friend for comfort. Enjoys making a few friends but can count current friends on two hoofs. He has social anxiety and is often dodgy or blunt on topics and he can barely read social cues to save his life. He can speak well but can barely understand himself when he decides to do this. He wishes to be a father and help a foal learn to grow because he didn't have that himself. He is often foalish for his... View More
Ecological researcher
Cloudsdale Flight SchoolEquestrian Guard School/TrainingHigh altitude reconnaissance trainingSurvival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape training (SERE)Advanced hoof to hoof combat trainingHigh Altitude, Low Orbit flight training (HALO)Canterlot university (Botany and Zoology)
Detailed History
Calaco was born to one Ivory Pedal and Winter Breeze. Growing up he lived in his family home in Cloudsdale's upper district, being taller than most pegasi he got bullied in school, though he tended to ignore most of them. Being singled out he didn't have many friends from amongst the other foals in his neighborhood.Then at the age of twelve, his parents passed in an accident while touring his family's shipping business. A large crate fell and hit his father and mother, killing them. Living the r... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Owns two houses, one in cloudsdale and another in the everfree where he lives currently.both homes are fully furnished though the one in cloudsdale is dusty and probably has mold.He has a few clothing items including his usual Smock and an old guards uniform with medals from a few different duty stations.A few family heirlooms from when his parents died.has quite the stash of bits from working with the archives and continues to add more. Like more than six zeros in his account worth.technically ... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Can do most everything in an ok maner
Cloud Walking, Cloud Manipulation, Weather prediction, Flight.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
May 10, 1996
Last Login:
March 20, 2025
Member Since:
September 6, 2019
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