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Misc. RP Information
Don't be a creep geek
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
Ponyville and Manehatten
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Blueish white
Eye Color
Deep violet purple
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
Fitzy stands at 4 feet and weighs 230 pounds.
She wears a blue baseball cap and has both ears pierced, she often wears gold studs on each ear
Her hooves are tipped black, the black fur runs up to her cannon and has a white stripe across it. The same pattern is also on her wings. Her face Is marked with a black heart shape that covers her muzzle and ends on her upper lip, the same black tips her feathery ears and tail ends.
Her fiery orange/red mane is pulled back into a messy ponytail to keep out o... View More
Flying, racing, friendly competition, warm weather, parties
Doing nothing for too long, bullying, and country music
Detailed Personality
Fitzy is an energetic mare, always happy to lend a helping hoof wherever she feels necessary, sometimes finding herself butting into situations without asking. She puts a lot of energy into new things without thinking them through fully, dedicated and hardworking to a point she burns out. She enjoys close relationships but often finds herself not opening up to her friends when she is blue, she would rather keep smiling for the sake of others.
Frames paintings and photographs
Manehatten Elementary, Manehatten Secondary
Detailed History
She grew up in a comfy Manehatten apartment complex with her mother and father and two sisters. She is fairly close with her family but left home when she turned 18 as she liked the independence. She still writes home from time to time and visits every few months.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Works well under pressure