Misc. RP Information
No pony information (read down for that) Here is just stuff about me as a person behind the pony.Ponies I love top 10:Octavia & Vinyl ScratchSpitfireApplejackDaring DoPrincess Twilight SparkleLyra & Bon BonCloudchaserPrincess LunaPrincess CelestiaKing SombraHey you reading this, Hi add me if you want i'm friendly and that's why I'm here too. To make new friendsMy name is like so 'Mentis' is 'mind' in Latin and 'Soliloquy' is "an act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless ... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
Canterlot, Ponyville, Manehatten, Crystal Empire, Other
Title(s) / Rank
Royal Scribe
Skin / Coat Color
Medium Brown
Eye Color
Sky or Ocean Blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A Cresent Moon, Music notes and a book.
Design Description
Sleeping, Cooking, socializing, singing, playing instrument
Being tickled, fighting, arguing, other's laziness
Detailed Personality
Mentis is a head-strong 'idea stallion'; he is always attempting to think or improve on something... anything, honestly! He must always keep his mind busy on anything or he goes a little mad. Mentis comes up with quite a good number of ideas but is poor in conveying them to others. His social skills are lacking to a degree which can lead to a lot of good things, but it can also be quite bad for him. Mentis is like his namesake and Soliloquizes in situations a lot of the time, but tries to keep i... View More
Royal Scribe.
Schools in Canterlot.
Detailed History
Mentis was born In Cloudsdale to his mother Scribe Ledger and his father who passed away when Mentis was very young. He bequeathed to him his slouch hat, which he wears wherever he goes with the intention of passing it on to his own foals. Despite being an only foal and his mother working a lot of the time, Mentis and his mother had a close bond and have never really grown apart. Mentis filled the void in his mothers life and vice-versa, with both of them becoming even closer after Mentis's fath... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Shared 3 story home in downtown Canterlot.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Decent singerVery talented speed writerGood sketcherDecent cook
Basic Info
Birth Date:
October 26, 1994
Last Login:
June 4, 2023
Member Since:
September 14, 2017
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