Misc. RP Information
I do all kinds of Roleplay but if i dont like something i talk with you
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Cloudsdale, ponyville, Wonderbolt academie etc etc
Title(s) / Rank
Best engineer in Equestria
Skin / Coat Color
Royal blue
Eye Color
Light green
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
a Wrench
Design Description
He is a pegasus stallion with a black emo mane with a red stripe in the middle
His work and rainbow dash
Annoying stuff
Detailed Personality
My oc has a splitet personality A: normal Alex as we know him and love B: since he had problems with his parents (they are rapist etc raped his sister and killed her) he evolved a 2nd personality who dosen tlike anything but a knive
Best engineer in Equestria
he learned from young age how to build and stuff (in my canon equastria the pegasus race is very far in technolegy)
Detailed History
i do it short his parents abused him and his sister his sister died to pain and cancer he went through flying school and met Rainbow dash he got his cutie mark by helping on building technolegy and buildingshe works as a engineer he adopted scootaloo and he nad her have a son called prism bolthe wanted to be a wonderbolt but his wing got broken and so he cant fly that fast but he saved RDs life
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
engineer in IT
he isnt a unicorn
Basic Info
Birth Date:
October 25, 2001
Last Login:
June 20, 2021
Member Since:
August 7, 2020
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