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Minty Frost

Female. Lives in Ponyville,  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on February 24, 1990
Misc. RP Information
Semi-literate, don't kill my character, don't control or auto hit my correct, please oh please do not drag my character into something she doesn't like.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
Depends on how many bits one will pay
Title(s) / Rank
P.I of Ponyville
Skin / Coat Color
whitish gray
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
Mint was born in the Crystal Empire, she was however disowned by her family by the age of 10 for being noncrystalline and was left to wander the landscape on her own with barely any food or clothing. After nearly freezing to death from traveling for at least 40 miles she was found by a beautiful young mare who had gone by name Mistress Halty, when I came to I found myself in warm clothing and a nice bed, I was taken home it seemed by this mare who in fact was a rogue changeling. She was so kind ... View More
Getting her job done, making it big, relaxing.
People who get away, failing her job, having to pay extra.
Detailed Personality
She works for the bits only, she's sweet to you if you got a case or wanna give the gal a night on the town, she'll be your sweetheart if you supply her with smokes. This mare has a troubled mind and is stubborn, but deep down she's kind and loving to the people she chooses to get attached to, she's afraid of getting hurt, and or pushed away by anyone she trusts. She will come down on you with fury if you double cross her, this girl can be a fox and a shark at any given time.
Private Investigator
Crystal Empire
Mostly taught herself in thieving.
Detailed History
BF was born in the kingdom of hippogriffs under Queen Novo's rule she was a rather distant and cruel child to other children. At the age of 18, she was assigned to be one of the first hippogriffs to travel over many landmarks to get information about the storm king and other info if it was safe to come out of hiding or what had changed over hundred years by order of her queen novo was she given these questions. Many of the creatures she had spoken to were curious about who this mysterious mare i... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
A 10x30 building, she has around 10,000 bits stored and is planning on more.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Pickpocketing, stealing, lock picking, persuasion, can sneak around and is very skilled with flying she had been taught by mistress Halty.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
February 24, 1990
Last Login:
June 21, 2019
Member Since:
June 16, 2019
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