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Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A red cross and a syringe
Helping others, healing things, and socializing with others
Sad moments, being alone, and toxic environments
Detailed Personality
Aspen is known to be cold, helpful, quiet, and funny. Sometimes they can be cheeky especially when they know about their friend's fear or interest in something. Aspen is never mean even though he sounds like it. He is really caring about his loved ones. He doesn't show how he really feels unless his friends are feeling down or discouraged, he would constantly tell them encouraging things or try to help lift their spirits. Aspen doesn't talk very much but when he does then you must be really spec... View More
Rescue Medic
Foal Mountain
Medical School Witch Doctor School Self-taught (with the help of his parents' guidance.)
Detailed History
Aspen was raised well by their mom and dad, but he has severe separation anxiety with the people he has strong connections with. He grew up to help creatures or ponies that were lost in the snow or in general. He is known to have made underground caves, dens, or cabins almost covering the foal mountains in order to aid the creatures with medical attention or proper care. He can do any type of animal calls if needed. He even works with voice impression to help soothe other ponies when they miss t... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
- Skilled with voice impressions- Skilled with realistic animal calls- Tracker
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Last Login:
April 14, 2024
Member Since:
May 10, 2023
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