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Moona Blossoms

Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on February 7
Misc. RP Information
Will add to this soon but my rp "rules" arent that much diffrent from others i bet xD
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
The spa (working night shifts) or strolling through town.
Title(s) / Rank
none given yet
Skin / Coat Color
Navy Black
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
Dark navy in coat and mane with a single strand of white in her long thick mane. The tip of her wings are white, a sharp ombre.
Stillness, The Moon and Blue roses
Very few things bother her
Detailed Personality
She is very calm/collected and accepting with pretty much anything and anyone. Some would even add that she is rather "motherly" and careing, always willing to help somepony relax and/or forget their troubels. She has this philosohpy, that she has come to terms with over the years (in order to stay calm), that balance (yin& yang if you so will) will always turn things the right way around. So if something bad happens, she isnt upset about it for too long, cause things will always heal or go back... View More
Meditator at the spa, night shifts only
Born in a land far far away. Currently living in Ponyville.
Home schooled
Detailed History
Moona is infact not only a bat pony but also from a family of vampires, the blood sucking kind yes. Also Moona Blossoms is infact not actully her name, her real name given at birth is something in old latin/vamprie or bat tongue but she wont tell any pony what it is. She partly also changed it to something more simple since rarely no one could pronounce it.
She was born countless of moons ago, in a grand mansion of darkness but also of laughter and love in every inch of it. Her parents loved her ... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Her most valuable thing she owns is the pendant around her neck.
The text on the back of it roughly translate to; Pride of Family in old latin/vampire tongue.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Being calm and collected in all kinds of situations, no matter what. Unless of course provoked for too long or being caught at a "bad time".
She has enchanced hearing and vision and therefor is most comftable when its quiet and dark. She still will go out sometimes at day but if she dosent bring her overly enchanced sun glasses with her, she is as good as blind. As a bat yes, cause she is one.
Has no magic (unless her angelic paitence counts!)
Basic Info
Birth Date:
February 7
Last Login:
October 21, 2020
Member Since:
September 20, 2020
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