Misc. RP Information
Age 5-10: Moonshine has been a average sized and somewhat normal mare throughout her whole life, or at least that's what she likes to tell herself. As a filly she went to a normal school and made friends with anypony she could...going around her town in ponyville helping out as much as she could of. The pony was also always happy being able to travel with her parents whenever she could , offering a hoof to the new ponies along the way to the best of her abilities as a filly. It was nice and some... View More
Common locations your character will be
Ponyville, Arctic North, Everfree
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Light blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Old torn treasure map
Adventure, taking risks, leaving ponyville
Staying in one location for to long, celery, spiders
Detailed Personality
Moonshine is a shorter than average mare (I'm one of those people >:( SH) and hates it, but it drives her. The motivation she gets from it with the mindset that she can do anything a bigger or taller pony does sometimes get to her but usually doesn't show. When Angry - She can be loud, blunt with others and her thoughts, rude, and not caring of what others think. Sad - She will grow quiet and a bit slow, though she'll do her best to hide it. Happy - She can be calm, bubbly, or just weird dependi... View More
Adventures or expeditions for ponies who pay.
Assets / Bits / Property
Assets - Bag, rope, medical supplies, tent, food, sleeping bags, flint. Bits - enough to pay for her rented room and buy some supplies.Property - A room she rents.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
September 28, 1996
Last Login:
September 5, 2019
Member Since:
December 4, 2017
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