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Fallen Glory

Female. Lives in Thunderhead,  Limbo,  Beyond Equestria. Born on June 19, 1995
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Cloud and Rainbow Lighting Bolt (same as Rainbow Dash)
Design Description
Morning Glory is a Pegasus mare from the Enclave city of Thunderhead.
To help ponies
Hurting others
Detailed Personality
sheltered life in the safety of Thunderhead. She sincerely believes in the the Enclave and the Volunteer Corp, despite seeing the corruption within the ranks of the Enclave. Her experiences in the wasteland have dimmed her enthusiasm, but she still believes in her mission. She is conflicted about her family as she cares deeply for them though is aware that they see her as a traitor following her branding. Glory does have a bit of an adventurous side (particularly in the bedroom) and has proven t... View More
Medic and weapons repairs
Typical Enclave volunteer Corps training. Specializeing in the medic field.
Detailed History
Morning Glory's character is similar to Fallout New Vegas companion Veronica Santangelo, both believing that their respective isolationist organizations are doomed to fall apart if they don't re-connect with the outside world, and because of the out-speaking are sent on excursions to the outside world for prolonged periods of time to seek with benefiting their groups Whereas Veronica is sent to acquire food and Morning Glory is sent on a trial run of the Thunderhead Enclave Volunteer Corps)
After... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Glory tends to wear light barding, most commonly of Enclave design. Later, she begins wearing Stonewing's old Dragon-hide flight jacket after Blackjack recovered it from his statue in Meatlocker. She is also seen on occasion wearing a face mask while performing surgery or autopsies.
Leo Zodiac's AER-14 Prototype - A rare, emerald crystal version of the beam rifle, intended to replace the Novasurge rifles that were more commonly used during the war. While supposedly damaged beyond repair Glory res... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Glory is a skilled surgeon and doctor, capable of providing emergency care in the field and surgery as complex as organ transplants in a stocked medical facility. She is well versed in the various drugs and stimulants used in the Wasteland, as well as their side-effects. She also has a good working knowledge of Chemistry and is able to craft anti-venom and mane-dye from organic compounds.
She is proficient in the use of magical energy weapons, and is able to do repairs and make modifications easi... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
June 19, 1995
Last Login:
April 11, 2021
Member Since:
June 5, 2019
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