Misc. RP Information
For the rules, just ask me what I'm not really a fan of. For Random Detials: Blueblood is her distant nephew as in cannon but in this universe he's actually nice. He also babysits Luna's foal.She retired to Silver Shoals with Shining, Celestia, Cadence to live a hopefully calm and settled life, leaving Twilight to rule the kingdom.She never really knew the foal's dad was after getting abit tipsy after a long night at the club but keept the small foal as she felt it was time to have a kid of her ... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
At her new house in Silver Shoals, The Nearby Café and more.
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Dark Blue
Eye Color
Crystal Blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
The Moon
Design Description
The moon with a dark spotty back ground. (you should know this..)
Her little foal. Breakfasts and a good latte.
Rude ponies, Overly flirty ponies and more.
Detailed Personality
She's alot more calmer and nicer now a days thanks to her finally being able to sleep at nights instead of needing to work all the time. She's also alittle flirty with ponies she grows close too.
Silver Shoals
Taught by Starswirl when she was but a filly.
Detailed History
Princess Celestia's little sister, who was once corrupted and became Nightmare Moon. Her sister sealed her in the moon for 1000 years until Twilight and her friends used the Elements of Harmony to restore her back to normal. She used to co-rule Equestria with Celestia. Now she's retired instead.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Moving the moon and setting up the stars at night.
She's an ex-princess alicorn, ofcourse she knows every spell in the book!
Basic Info
Birth Date:
October 31, 1900
Last Login:
March 15, 2025
Member Since:
October 26, 2019
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