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Mr. ABWO ~ (Asian Brown Wood Owl of Equestria)

Male. Lives in Heh-Heh... You needn't know so much personal info about myself...,  Equestria. Born on August 24, 1999
Misc. RP Information
Age: 1.2 Years Old
Species: Asian Brown Wood Owl
Height and Weight: 50 CM/ 550 Grams
[From now on FT stands for Fluttershy's Translation to save space]
Common locations your character will be
*Squark* Fluttershy's Translation: Fluttershy's Place
Title(s) / Rank
*Squark* FT: Injured Avian patient in the care of Fluttershy
Skin / Coat Color
*Squark Squark* FT: The usual Asian Wood Owl Plumage.
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
*Squark* FT: I am an Avian, I don't need a silly cutie-mark.
*Squark Squark Squark* FT: Rats, Mice, Chicks and Gemstones
*Squark Squark* FT: Needlessly Loud/Spoopy Guests, Discord
Detailed Personality
Fluttershy: Well... ABWO is incredibly polite bird for sure, but he also can get very aggressive when as he describes [A Spoopy, Dangerous creature comes near it, like Discord for Example?], Protective of his territory and friends, he is definitely loyal for sure... But can also overly protective and be too quick to release his anger or rage on anyone who might sligthly pose a threat to him or his friends, he likes a good bit of classical music as it tends to calm him down whenever he is stresse... View More
*Squark* FT: Um.. I am a bird? Nuff Said!
*Squark* FT: The Forests by The Smokey Mountain
*Squark* FT: I read books with Twilight occasionally...
Detailed History
*Squark Squark Squark Squark Squark!*
(FT: Hello, I am ABWO (AB-WO) from Northern Equestria, however, currently I am living Ponyville with Fluttershy.... Why? Well, because I broke my wing during a smuggling operation in the Northern Equestria, I am lucky to even be alive, I could be sold off to some butcher and killed... It's kind of dark and morbid if you think about it too much... Well! The good use is that operation was busted and now I am recovering at Fluttershy's place, everyone here is s... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
*Squark Squark Squark* FT: Since when has an Avian owned Assets or Money... I needn't worry myself with such pointless things, all I need is a Mate, Food, Water and a nest... Other than that, I needn't worry about it.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
*Squark* FT: I am great hunter and very keen eyesight, I was also great at flying until I broke my Wing...
*Squark* FT: What? Do you think I am some secret Wizard or something?
Basic Info
Birth Date:
August 24, 1999
Last Login:
March 19, 2018
Member Since:
March 16, 2018
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