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Doom Bringer

Male. Lives in The Courtroom,  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on January 18, 1900
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Title(s) / Rank
Doom Bringer (Self given)
Skin / Coat Color
Light red
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Gaval and Block
Design Description
Doom Bringer is a light red, male earth pony with a jet black mane speckled with small white dots. His eyes are brown and his cutie mark is a brown block and gaval.
Doom Bringer wears an upside down horned red bucket on his head with two small holes in the eyes for him to see out of and another set of holes for his ears. he also wears some sort of full body suit that gives his upper and lower body the same look as his mane (black and speckled with white dots). Carries an oversized grovel painted ... View More
Justice (atleast, what he sees as just), Hammers.
Criminals, troublemakers, miscreants, delinquents.
Detailed Personality
Doom Bringer is irritable on the best of days interacting with the best of ponies, but that attitude is amplified ten fold when he thinks he's talking to a criminal. Key word: thinks. Ofcourse, he rarely encounters actual criminals, but in his mind, most everything Is an offense and punishable by atleast life imprisonment, which he has trouble enforcing given he technically isn't an official judge, So he'll usually resort to the gargantuan hammer strapped to his waist, I mean, why wouldn't he?
Wh... View More
Judge (formerly, though he still sees himself as one)
Law, though most his legal knowledge is long, long gone by now.
Detailed History
Doom Bringer was born in Ponyville to his parents, a pegasi mare named Grand Jury, and an earth pony father named Final Say. His birth name is unknown, but Doom Bringer is a name he gave himself. Which is slightly confusing, given he also says he is THE DoomBringer, an imaginary role in court he totally believes is real, and is above the judge.
Doom Bringer's life as a foal is notable because it isn't particularly sad, infact, having parents working in the legal field meant he grew up rather comf... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Doom Bringer doesn't own a home, he goes to his parents to shower and wash his unusual uniform. Sometimes at ridiculous hours of the night.
Instead, he resides in a courtroom, refusing to leave despite the Equestrian Court's pleas for him to.
He has a fair amount of bits because he is still technically paid to oversee those dummy cases.Though the exact amount is unknown.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Surprising strength for his size, lifting a huge metal hammer like that is impressive for sure.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
January 18, 1900
Last Login:
March 7, 2025
Member Since:
March 7, 2025
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