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Lovely Rose

Female. Lives in Canterlot,  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on May 5, 1998
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
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Common locations your character will be
Usually traveling the many roads of Equestria, Canterlot
Title(s) / Rank
Noble of House Rose, Heiress of Untold Magicks
Skin / Coat Color
A Cream Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A Star Constellation of a Rose
Design Description
Possessing a cream colored coat and mane, Lovely Rose is a noble mare never seen without her parasol and dress. Most of her dresses usually follow a blue patterned motif though there are exceptions. Other then her rather stunning looks were her blue eyes. Faintly glowing thanks to the innate magical potential found within the mare, her blue eyes hold a certain sort of presence when staring into them.
Excitement, The Pursuit and Aquiring of Magical Knowledge
Ruffians, Disappointment, Boredom
Detailed Personality
Lovely Rose may possess the looks and accent of a stuck up noble, but her personality is starkly different.
Ever since she was but a filly, she had made it much of a habit to skip out on many family meetings and lessons regarding her status to become the next family magus to enjoy the company of many other fillies and colts her age regardless of social standing.
These habits soon helped to develop her overall behavior to be quite open minded and casual compared to her more posh family.
Besides her ... View More
Traveling Wizard, Researcher of Ancient Ruins
Lovely spent most of her early academic pursuits being home schooled in magic and nobility. A condition that many other members of her family clan were quite adamant about.
While there were occasional moments where she snuck out of these classes, she still maintained a high participation rate and studied fine manners as well as be taught under a more demanding expectation in the arts of magic.
Though she only spent a few years of her early life being taught under this demanding teaching regiment, ... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
-Possesses a Degree in Applied Theoretical Magicks
-Possesses a Degree in Archaeology
-Possesses a Degree in Arcane Studies
-Has limited access to the treasury and coffers of the Noble House of Roses.
-Only ever carries a few hundred bits on her person at a time.
-Inheritor of the Noble House of Rose Estates
-A collection of magically enchanted dresses
-One parasol enchanted to remain dry and durable
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
-Magic: Due to her bloodline and overall fillyhood, Lovely has been particularly proficient in most areas of magic. Particularly specialized in Light and Illusions.
Born Affinity:
-Elements of Light and Illusion Magicks
-Blood Ties to Arcane Magic
Spells Learned During Fillyhood:
-Star Lights: Named after their design being similar to stars being seen from afar, this spell produces a small light source that follows a selected target. Duration of light source is dependent on the amount of mana and skill put into the casting of the spell.
-Project Voice: Developed from a mischievous application of magic, Project Voice allows the caster to throw their voice and mak... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
May 5, 1998
Last Login:
December 9, 2018
Member Since:
June 23, 2018
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