Misc. RP Information
Canon roleplaying
Common locations your character will be
Ponyville, Cloudsdale, Wonderbolt Academy
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Dark blue
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Firework explosion
Design Description
Neon Flare is a teenage pegasus pony, she's just slightly smaller in size than the average mare due to her younger age. She has an athletic lifestyle, which of often interpreted in her body type. She has a long, stylish mane in both dark and light pinks. Her coat is a dark blue. She is often seen wearing a Wonderbolt reservist/trainee uniform, not to be confused with a Wonderbolt full-body suit. Her Cutie Mark is pink and white, simulating a firework explosion. Her trainee uniform is a short, bo... View More
Detailed Personality
Neon Flare, or more commonly shortened down and referred to as simply 'Lare, is a young teenage Pegasus who attends the Wonderbolt Academy in Cloudsdale as a Wonderbolt Reservist/Trainee. Upon joining, she formally became the youngest member of the Reservists, and made her place among Equestria's most elite flyers. When away from the Academy she lives with her parents and works part-time in firework pyrotechnics. 'Lare is a very popular teenage mare, thanks to her spunky, confident and cool-head... View More
Wonderbolt Reservist
Basic Education, Flight School, Wonderbolt Academy Degree
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Neon Flare's special talent is her skill in pyrotechnics - Her Cutie Mark allows her to carry out fireworks displays with accuracy and dedication.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
December 18
Last Login:
July 6, 2020
Member Since:
February 1, 2018
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