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Female. Lives in Ponyville,  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on October 9, 2003
Misc. RP Information
I try to be as good as i can in terms of RP, But sometimes i'll admit i am a bit lazy, But i keep myself from doing so, And i always try to stay in good moods while doing so, But if something's ever off or i seem mad or whatever, Feel free to let me know and I'll either say why or I'll just stop all together.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Working, Out at cinemas, Or just at the park.
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Dark Grey
Eye Color
Yellow-ish orange
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Three Daisy's
Design Description
She's 21 and lives alone, Though she's happy and stable. A change in her life would be alright, Though she aint asking for it, Sometimes she tends to be quiet when in groups of people, Only because she can be shy Sometimes, Not all the time. But mostly nightly tries to keep to herself. She wants a change where she can break out of being shy and be a lot more social with people and get out there, But she just cant break herself out and actually do it, She tries and makes tiny bits of progress eve... View More
Ice cream, Music, Gaming, And relaxing.
Law-breakers, Silence, Spiders
Detailed Personality
She's always optimistic, Cheerful, And energetic, She's always loving to friends, Even when the worst happens, Nightly looks at the positive side of things, Except when shes mad or sad, She's the opposite of all that when she's one of those two.
The New Lunar Republic
She got through everything and graduated from high school, And went on with collage, But dropped out half way through due to the job she had and just plainly didn't want the stress to just add up through it. She's has common sense and is smart, Just because she didn't graduate doesn't make her stupid.
Detailed History
When she was at a young age. Her parents were involved in a very unfortunate event, They were out, And they got assassinated due to the one doing it thinking they were the people he was actually looking for, Though a month passes and a happy and loving family adopts her, Nightly lived a happy life after that, Though a few years after she was adopted, She found a job as a receptionist due to her skill in computers, Though she didn't like it, The bits were nice, She even got enough to finally buy ... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
A house she got from her parents at a young age.
A pair of glove-claws she received when she enlisted in The New Lunar Republic.
Enough bits to get her through life.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
She can climb decently tall structures, And she also has a small knowledge in parkour, She ain't great at it, But its one of her skills, She's also a good gamer(if that even counts), And she can sneak around in decently lit areas and not get spotted.
She knows basic black magic such as teleportation, Telekinesis, And duplication. She ain't a unicorn so she cant learn that type of magic.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
October 9, 2003
Last Login:
December 19, 2024
Member Since:
July 11, 2018
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