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Male. Lives in  Beyond Equestria.
Misc. RP Information
-I'm always open to chatter and RP! It doesn't come with a guarantee, but I'll try my best to reply.
-I'm okay with most RP, course' don't start anything without prior planning!
-I'm the quiet type and have difficulty carrying conversations.
-Other than that, I'm just here for a good time. Keep RP's narrative, let's play nice, and I'm happy.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Nitro works on an airship. It varies!
Title(s) / Rank
Nitro likes alchemy and cooking!
Detailed Personality
Nitro is the alchemist, cook, and combatant aboard The Aurora.
He is an eccentric kirin with a friendly albeit off-putting demeanor; his friendliness sincere but coated with an uneasy edge stemming from growing up with a roaming band of bandits. He is fond of cuisine and working with herbs; his duties aboard the airship being alchemy and preparing food for the crew. He's usually spotted wearing a rugged jacket, unbuttoned at the top, and black leggings on his back legs; his waist additionally w... View More
Sky Pirate!
Basic Info
Last Login:
February 13, 2025
Member Since:
February 11, 2021
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