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Female. Lives in One of them,  Abyssinia,  Beyond Equestria. Born on February 8, 1995
Misc. RP Information
Depending on account traction, may or may not be super active on this one.
1. Feel free to discuss things before RP starts, she is well equipt for Adventure based RP's
2. Be nice. Understand that my character is not the kindest, but, I the admin am more so.
3. She shoots.
Common locations your character will be
Manehatten, Canterlot, Abyssia
Skin / Coat Color
Black... or pretty damn close to.
Design Description
Katrina is a black coated Abyissian. She is typically seen dressed up almost pirate-ish looking, minus the pirate hat or a bird on her shoulder. The other amount of time, she is dressed pretty similarly to the Prohibition era, honestly, it's a wild guess which one you'll see her in.
She stands at a pretty average height for an Abyssian.
Detailed Personality
Quite the manipulative cat, believe it or not. If she does something, it is nine times out of ten for herself, and only to better herself or increase her wealth. Greed is obvious, if she can make a quick coin through stealing something small, like jewellery, she won't hesitate.
She can faux a nice attitude if it furthers her goals into what she wants to do. But she will hide the negative sides mostly on a moralistic front.
She finds ponies annoying overall however, she finds other Abyssians inte... View More
Trader. Bit of a con.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
February 8, 1995
Last Login:
October 13, 2023
Member Since:
December 1, 2020
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