Misc. RP Information
No 18+ rp's No talk about major wars. Having some battles or training and protecting others is fine.
Common locations your character will be
Equestria, Canterlot, ponyville
Title(s) / Rank
Royal Princess: Alicorn/Nightmare
Skin / Coat Color
black with a pink outline
Eye Color
a dark pale lavender
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
A young Alicorn with a purple flowy mane a dark coat with a pink outline and purple cat-like eyes The horn is different from a normal pony horn it has swirls on it and has small fangs but not noticeable magic color is a dark purple
Adventure, my family, hope, peace, waterfalls.
I like Vanilla but I am allergic to it like other Nightmares
Detailed Personality
I am kind, ambitious, friendly, adventurous spirit.
Ruler of the Nightglimmers
Hollow shades
I was taught by my family Mom, Dad, and Aunt mostly I didn't really meet another pony other than my dad and a few ponies who protected us till I was an older filly.
Detailed History
I live in the hollow shades with my parents Cosmos and Obsidia, and my aunt Mara I recently visited Canterlot for a little while then I moved to Ponyville where I live now.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
I like to sing as well as draw. I'm good as listening and giving some light advice.
I am still working on some spells but I have been practicing with my Nightmare and alicorn magic.