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Lancer Thunderstride

Male. Lives in Dominus,  Beyond Equestria. Born on October 10, 2002
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
Nature, most likely
Title(s) / Rank
Former Royal Knight and Nuclear-level asset. Wanderer.
Skin / Coat Color
Snow White
Eye Color
Sapphire Blue
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Action, Adventure, Slice of Life, Mystery, Horror, Romance, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Dystopia, Post-apocalyptic, Military, Modern, Crossover, Feral, Alien, Monster, Other Species
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A lightning bolt piercing a blue ball
Training, Nature, Memories, Herbal Tea, Baking, Star Gazing
War and Violence, Injustice, Deception, Crowds, Greasy Food
Detailed Personality
Lancer's personality is complex, the relentless brutality of war has left him emotionally scarred and deeply introspective. He carries a stoic demeanor. His experiences have imbued him with a sense of quiet resilience and a profound sense of duty, but also a haunting emptiness. Despite his numbness, Lancer possesses an unwavering moral compass. He strives to protect the innocent and uphold justice, driven by a deep-seated belief in doing what is right, even if it costs him dearly.
Former Royal Knight
Unknown Kingdom named Dominus
Detailed History
Lancer was a child raised in a war raging country, surrounded by destruction and hate from all parties of a war he knew nothing of. Born in the once-bright kingdom of Dominus, he was raised by loving parents, who gave him all the love and attention he needed even though their lives were hanging by the thread each passing day. Few citizens remember why the war even started, it goes back decades before most of younger ones were even born. Generations of former citizens turned revolutionaries fough... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Master Swordsman: Lancer's training has made him an exceptional swordsman. His skill with a blade is unparalleled, allowing him to face multiple opponents with ease.
Physical Resilience: The king's brutal training regime has endowed Lancer with extraordinary physical resilience. He can endure immense pain and fatigue, continuing to fight long after others would have fallen.
Stealth and Agility:He can move silently and strike swiftly, making him a deadly opponent.
Herbal Knowledge: From his village ... View More
Storm Strike: Lancer channels lightning through his sword, delivering a powerful strike that can cleave through armor and stone. The electric energy amplifies the damage and can cause secondary shock effects.
Lightning Dash: This spell allows Lancer to transform into a bolt of lightning, moving at incredible speeds to dodge attacks or close the distance between him and his enemies.
Thunderclap: By striking the ground with his sword, Lancer releases a wave of electrical energy that stuns and disori... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
October 10, 2002
Last Login:
June 27, 2024
Member Since:
June 24, 2024
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