Greetings, today we have the apatosaurus. Apatosaurus is a large sauropod which originated in North equestria during the late Jurassic period. Reaching up to twenty-seven meters in length, Apatosaurus is a gentle giant with a small head in comparison to its body. studies suggest that Apatosaurus could crack its tail like a whip, producing a sonic boom in excess of 200 decibels, which would have been loud enough to kill a pony from the shockwave alone This makes the tail a perfect weapon against ...
Hello and welcome, here were gonna talk about the triceratops. Among the largest of the ceratopsian family, Triceratops is one of the most famous dinosaur in the world, originating in Late cretaceous. The most distinctive feature of the Triceratops are its neck frill and the three horns which gave the animal its name. it’s arch-nemesis and equally famous Tyrannosaurus, was known to hunt and battle Triceratops. In terms of its environment, it lived in a range of ecologies, including subtropical i...
Hello again , here we have the parasaurolophus. Parasaurolophus is an average sized hadrosaur but is otherwise distinguished by its prominent curved Crest. They're social animals and mix well with other herbivores, their Crest are used as a amplifying chamber to communicate or for mating displays and as defence. They're herbivorous animals, they're peaceful but not be provoked. Hope to see you all again in the next talk
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Welcome my little listeners, today we have another dino to discuss. This dino is a plant eater ( but they also eat lizards and stones ) known as gallimimus an excellent runner when being hunted or travelling and like to be in a group of 20, they also have great vision to spot predators like the t-rex. They pretty harmless so I'm sure theres nothing to worry about and are the largest and best known of the ornithomimidae family. Well that's it for today everyone, have a great day and as always sta...
Welcome again my faithful little listeners to another know your dino, this guy is known as the allosaurus a ferocious apex predator that doesn't tolerate it's own kind unless it's a female. It doesn't have a very strong bite but it is theorized to use its upper jaw like a hatchet to inflict bleeding damage. It lives in semiarid environments with distinct wet and dry seasons and flat floodplains. Thanks for listening and have a great day
Residents of equestria better watch for the tall grass because most likely these guys will be in it, the large claw on its foot is used to kill its prey. They have a call that they use to signal others for help, they're length is roughly two meters long and weighting 15 kilograms on average, they're extremely intelligent too knowing how to set traps and open doors, when they look at you they're already figuring things out. They hunt in pack and they attack from left and right using another rapto...
Say hello equestria's newest queen. T-rex is the most recognisable dinosaur in history, they're big and ferocious, they prefer to be alone except if it's a Male or a female. Males have a green skin tone while females have a light brown, they cant see you you dont move, they're bite force is stronger then a crocodiles. I hope you'll use this information when you happen to encounter one, if you see a nest make sure you stay away or they will track you until they find you. Have a wonderful day
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