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Male. Lives in Outer reaches of Ponyvile's county,  Ponyville,  Equestria. 28 years old
Misc. RP Information
This is the account owner here. I've RPed for a while now and I'm also an artist and a gamer to some extent. If you would like me to make you a vector at any chance, please give me a message and I'll gladly make one for you.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Walking about Ponyvile, Living in "Abandoned" Grain Mill
Title(s) / Rank
Wanted Fugitive.
Skin / Coat Color
Light Brown Hair, Crazy Brown Mane.
Eye Color
Emerald Green
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
Andy in pony form is a brown Pegasus with a ridiculous looking mane.
bagels, adventure, company, friends
Ockra, Loneliness, Royal interactions
Detailed Personality
He is a rather kind, adventurous pony who will always seek attention from other ponies that introduce themselves to him. He has a very fragile self-esteem and always feels the need to please others in order to feel happy about himself. When alone he grows depressed and extremely lonely. He walks about town looking for someone that looks interesting.
Dimension Traveler
Hoovetucket Falls
High School Degree in Graphics
Detailed History
Andy was a human living in an alternate universe until he discovered Dimension Travel, once he did, he began visiting Equestria a lot more. Eventually, the Equestria Royals found out about his presence and found him to be a danger to peace and friendship. Knowing of what humans are capable of, he is wanted for Disturbing Peace And Friendship as well as being a Danger To Others. Andy remains on the run and at large, but his kind and humble appearance makes ponies hesitant to wanting to turn them ... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Andy doesn't own anything relative to the Pony Prime Universe, however he claims an abandoned mill on top of a hill, and an inter-dimentional remote that helps him travel between universes.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Andy is very good at Graphic Design and at one point in his life, wanted to become an animator. Since his discovery of dimensions, he has been very tech savvy, and knows a thing or two about repairing tech. He also creates formulas to change his physical appearance.
Andy has found of ways to acquired magic threw technical needs, like building a wand, but doesn't understand magic well and only knows how to avoid magic detection.
Basic Info
Last Login:
April 4, 2023
Member Since:
January 4, 2018
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