Hypnotic Voice: By fusing soft waves of magic into words, Gold is able to capture the mind of others. Momentarily, his victim is reduced into a living puppet. They are self aware but lose control over normal bodily functions. ততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততCandy glass: Much to everyone's dismay, Pelayo has a sadistic sweet tooth. Throughout his childhood, Pelayo was seen as the "late bloomer". All the Draconequus Pups had manif... View MoreHypnotic Voice: By fusing soft waves of magic into words, Gold is able to capture the mind of others. Momentarily, his victim is reduced into a living puppet. They are self aware but lose control over normal bodily functions. ততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততCandy glass: Much to everyone's dismay, Pelayo has a sadistic sweet tooth. Throughout his childhood, Pelayo was seen as the "late bloomer". All the Draconequus Pups had manifested their powers. Except Pelayo. Or so everyone thought.Behind closed doors, Pelayo was creating homemade candy out of fish! By touching any living organism, he could transform it into pure candy, specifically candy glass.At first Pelayo was only able to sugarfy small creatures, but has since perfected it. Now as a mature Draconequus, his touch can solidify grown ponies.ততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততEssence Extraction: All sirens need some form of food source. Despite only being cross-bred Pelayo follows that same rule. His beautifully unique body seems to always draw in curious eyes. By a ponies mid years, they are harder to capture so Pelayo hand picks young (from colts to teens) or the naive.Pelayo carefully changes the tone and pitches his voice until he settles into the proper atmosphere. Dull and stormy weather requires a softer and lower pitch whereas the lively forest life calls for a more jolly spirit.Once any pony hears even a single note, a connection to Pelayo psyche is formed. Now he has the access to their exact emotions and can manipulate them at will.There's a certain range the pony has to be in so if they spoke before Pelayo finalises the connection, that thread can snap.The unfortunate are emotionally manipulated, drawn in by the soft lullaby. The second eye contact is made, the victim falls into a sudden sleeping spell.Pelayo is now free to coax out the ponies' life essence. From there the magic-like substance changes from the ponies' natural colour into a washed out blue. Pelayo then guides the food into an amulet shaped like a fish. When the time to eat comes, Pelayo will drink from it.ততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততVoice mimicking: Sometimes Pelayo has groups of hikers or campers come around. Such a perfect meal opportunity can't be wasted so he’ll pull out the ultimate trump card. Voice mimicry.But this power only works in 2 ways. Either the drained pony released a generous amount of it’s soul or Pelayo’s sugar intake has reached its height peak. Mimicking voices is easy but by doing so, drains the essence AND his own energy/sugar level. It’s a lot of fluctuating magicDoing too much can(has) led to blackouts and/or an extra need for candy.
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