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Male. Lives in  Manehattan,  Equestria. Born on November 17, 1994
Skin / Coat Color
Dark Grey [5B5B5B]
Eye Color
Midnight Blue [080487]
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Shooting Star with a Telesope
Detailed History
Perseus was born into a time of great sorrow. Equestria was struggling to recover after the princess's defeat of Discord and to make it worse rumors were spreading that there was a great battle in Canterlot and that one of the princesses had fallen to darkness. Perceus's mother always told him when he was scared no matter where he was that he could look up to the stars and be protected. During his foalhood, his parents would both take him up to a specific hill to view the stars above, but soon t... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Blue Telescope Strapped to his side. [Scratched and faded a bit,]
A Spear made of scavanged equipment. [Stick,Hoofspun Twine, and Obsidian head]
Beat up saddlebags.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
November 17, 1994
Last Login:
August 24, 2024
Member Since:
September 8, 2019
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