Misc. RP Information
Available Campaigns:- Phantom of the Pale (PotP)Begins just after the events of "The Crystal Empire P2" Uncover the secrets of Phantom Mane's curse and the true nature of the Windigoes.- Forgotten Shadows (FS)Set after PotP (can be done in sequence). Discover Ember Rose's story.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
The Crystal Empire
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Dark Green
Eye Color
Luminescent Yellow (Originally blue)
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Icy Tornado
Design Description
Infected by "Windigo Sickness." Causes him to begin transforming into a Windigo whenever negative emotions are present (either nearby or in himself). Can be transmitted by an individual displaying symptoms via contact with blood. Takes approximately 10 days to begin showing symptoms.Afflicted individuals experience heightened light sensitivity, glowing yellow eyes and coat/skin fade. In addition they physically become colder, and in the case of unicorns, have their magic laced with ice. Symptoms... View More
Watching the sunrise, hay-fries, reading books, snow
Sweet things, blood, violence
Detailed Personality
Very shy, introverted, but wants friends. Always puts others before himself.
Assisstant Librarian
The Crystal Empire
No formal education.Was taught taboo weather magic by his father.
Detailed History
See https://www.fimfiction.net/story/431491/phantom-of-the-pale-prologue for the full story.Was born in the Crystal Empire near the end of King Sombra's reign to a blue unicorn named Moonlit Ember and a pale yellow pegasus named Winter Star. They kept him hidden in order to prevent him being forced into servitude, as all foals were at the time. He was only seen by them, like a phantom and the name stuck.At the time the King planned to repurpose the Crystal Heart for reasons unknown and so had to... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Owns a scarf given to him by his mother.Technically inherited his family's home but prefers to live in the Crystal Empire Library.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Is very skilled with weather magic as it was primarily what he learned growing up.
Usual unicorn magic, though everything is laced with ice.Weather magic (unusual for a unicorn).
Basic Info
Last Login:
June 20, 2024
Member Since:
February 2, 2019
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