Misc. RP Information
I can do multiple types of RP! Such as these examples:(With asterisks + less detail!) *Places a vanilla cupcake, adorned with rainbow sprinkles on the table in front of you.* Here ya go!(More narrative/fanfic-like!) The mare trotted happily over to you while holding the edge of the plate in her mouth. She placed the vanilla cupcake, carefully decorated in rainbow sprinkles and white icing onto the table in front of you. " Here ya go! " She says, smiling as she awaits your reaction.(I'm fairly ne... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
Ponyville, Sugarcube Corner, With the Main 6
Title(s) / Rank
The Element of Laughter, Party Horse, Super Duper Party Pony
Skin / Coat Color
#FAB3D1 / Light Pink
Eye Color
#76D2FB / Light Blue
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Adventure, Slice of Life, Mystery, Horror, Romance, Fandom AU, MLP Only
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Three balloons, two blue and one yellow between them.
Design Description
Pinkie Pie has a light, bubble gum pink coat and a darker hot pink curly mane & tail. When she's very sad, her mane deflates, much like that of a balloon. Her eyes are big, light blue, bright and round with three long eyelashes on her upper and lower lids. She almost always wears a happy smile!
Parties, Baking, Making Friends, Events, Party Planning
Nothing mostly!
Detailed Personality
Pinkie Pie is a very fun, outgoing, happy-go-lucky, energetic and overall random mare who loves to see her friends smile and laugh along with her! She proves to be a very talented party planner, making grand events for every occasion. If you're planning a party but don't know how, Pinkie's your mare! Sometimes known to ''break'' the 4th wall to include her friends outside of the world of Equestria. Her element is Laughter.
Party Planner, Baker
The Pie Family's Rock Farm! (Ah...so many memories here!)
Detailed History
Pinkamena Diane Pie was born and raised on her family's rock farm. After a fabled Rainboom blasted through the air, it gave Pinkie a different outlook on what she wanted to do with her life and that was when she wanted to spread smiles and cheer, just like how she experienced it! Right at that moment she realized there really was happiness in the world! She threw a party for her family...and they loved it! After the first was a success, she ventured out into the world of Equestria, spreading her... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Party Planning, Event Coordinating, Baking, Playing as a one-mare-band, Pinkie Sense, Breaking the forth wall!