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Theodosia Graham

Female. Lives in N/A,  Equestria. Born on September 12
Misc. RP Information
hello! this character is a work in progress, but I'm hoping to develop her more in the coming months <3
I'm always happy to make new friends, so please don't be afraid to talk to me c: chances are I've already seen you around the site, and I think you're pretty cool.
(I might stop responding from time to time, this might mean lots of things but if you message again and I reply, it probably just means I thought the conversation was over. I'm not super fantastic at reading social cues, but it's genu... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Committing crimes, hiding from crime catcher horses, vibin
Title(s) / Rank
Not anymore
Skin / Coat Color
Very dark brown
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
While she has one, it's obscured by many scars.
Design Description
Theodosia is athletically slim, meaning that while she's smaller than your average mare, she's also much stronger and more toned. She wears her raspberry mane in a short and slightly ragged style which is meant for convenience, in contrast to her longer tail, though both are quite fluffy and soft to the touch - not that she'd let most folk touch either. Her coat is the colour of dark chocolate, as are her large wings. Rather like a cat, she has striking yellow eyes with slit pupils, and some of ... View More
Moonlight, flowers, fancy parties, pretty dresses, girls
Garlic, cowardice, indecisiveness
Detailed Personality
Teddy is flirtatious and manipulative, changing parts of her personality to suit her current goal. First and foremost, she is a liar, a thief, and a crook. She will do and say almost anything if it serves her goals. She will betray anyone for a benefit, however small. She WILL hurt those around her.
But she is still a pony with feelings, and she can make real friends, sometimes. She'll protect them fiercely to her own detriment. They are not considered disposable in any circumstance.
Crimes! That's all.
Private tutors, later on a convent. She's mostly only street-smart nowadays.
Detailed History
Theodosia was once a noble, wealthy and powerful... but she got sent to a convent after a relationship with her hoof-maiden was discovered. This was very uncomfortable for her, and she couldn't exactly go home, so she ran off and learned to do what it takes to survive. She's been running ever since.
Assets / Bits / Property
No legal property or assets, but she hunts and steals what she needs to live.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Manipulation, leadership, dueling, ballroom dancing, slight of hoof.
vampire go chomp chomp!
Theoretically, she could convert someone. She's got some magic that lends her vampiric abilities; speed, strength, vision, hearing, along with drawbacks, such as the inability to survive with direct exposure to UV, the occasional feeding frenzy, and she can't eat normal food. No hay, oats, cake. Just meat and blood. Her ability to feel pain is greatly reduced, which can leave her vulnerable to severe injuries, although she is able to heal better and faster than your avera... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
September 12
Last Login:
March 16, 2024
Member Since:
August 22, 2019
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