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Prince Carey

Male. Lives in Pyongyang,  Equestria. Born on March 2, 1993
Misc. RP Information
rules of my page
1) Rps aren't an must its cool if we rp like once or twice depending on your avaiblitly, but for the love it all at least chat with me say hi or hello be genuine and have an actuall friendship.
2) If I add you then I'll start us out if you add me then you must.
3) For whatever reason i decline your friendrequest then no hard feelings.
4) Carey has his limits he doesn't know every type of magic or have the answers to everything,so don't come with me that merry sue crap.
5) ... View More
Common locations your character will be
Everfree forest and ponyville
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Torquis with a hint of blue, in the mane and body.
Eye Color
ice blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Detailed Personality
reserved,kind and shy
self tought, trial and error.
Detailed History
Carey was an year old when Discord was ruling the lands, Carey's mother is mother nature and his father is an Alicorn, his father tried to have him killed on several occussions becaus he thought he wasn't his son so in effort to keep him safe carey was hidden in the everfree,he was found by a she-wolf whom took him back to her clan, however they sent him away when he was about ten due to his uncontrolable magic. After they erreased his memory they sent him to sun tower where he spent most of his... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
March 2, 1993
Last Login:
November 25, 2018
Member Since:
December 4, 2017
Profile Views:
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